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Kai Parker updated his status: You will all rue this day! RUE IT I TELL YOU!

Damon: Didn't I kill you?

Kai: Before or after we had sex.

Damon: After of course!

Kai: Oh ya but I came back to life.

Stefan: How?

Kai: Because I'm awesome.

Elena: Don't lie to yourself, I'm awesome.

Stefan: uh.....

Damon: Kai is a lot awesomer than you.. sorry

Elena: Whatever. Awesomer isn't even a word.

Damon: Whatever.

Stefan: .......

Kai: ANYWAYS, my plan is to kill all of you.

Caroline: You sound like Klaus.

Elena: ^^^^

Tyler: Ya you would know.

Caroline: oh shit..


Kai: Guys we get so off topic..

Damon: Your annoying, I can't believe I ever stuck it in you.

Elena: That's disgusting.

Damon: Your disgusting.

Elena Gilbert blocked Damon Salvawhore.

Kai: I'm actually done with all of you.

Kai Parker killed himself because everybody is annoying him.

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