Chapter One - Getting ready

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If you haven't read the Hunger games then go and do it. (But you're just gonna ignore this is go straight ahead right?)

In the country of Panem, there are 13 districts and the Capitol. A long time ago before I was born, all 13 districts were at war with the Capitol. The Capitol managed to control the districts and they destroyed district 13 as a warning. To remind the citizens of who was in charge. One girl and one boy were to be chosen to be compete in the annual Hunger Games.

I woke on my bed with the sheets crinkled and I saw little Hannah sleeping near my mum. Her cat Lyndon was curled up against her. I slowly got out of bed and the floorboards creaked under my weight.

"Zoey?" Hannah's voice said softly. I looked at her, I didn't realize she was awake. Her blonde hair was tied up into pigtails. If you looked at both of us, you wouldn't have guessed that we were siblings. She had golden hair from mum and I had red hair from dad. Only we shared blue eyes.

"Hey little duck. Good morning." I said softly. She sat up from where she was while cradling Lyndon and being careful to not wake mother up. "I'm just going hunting to get breakfast then we'll go to the reaping ceremony ok?"

She slowly nodded and lay down again to fall asleep. I quickly walked out of the room and picked up my dad's leather hunting jacket before Lyndon could hiss at me. We found that cat starving to death and wailing in pain of the thorn in her paw. Hannah brought her home and fix her up and decided to keep that awful cat. My dad used to hunt with me and teach me how to hunt and search for berries, then he had to go to the mines and blow up. That time mother had left us alone and she had the nerve to show up again after father died. Hannah seemed fine with mother but I was still angry with her.

I quickly crawled under the electric barbed wire fence that had no power surging through and ran into the woods, picking up my bow and quiver from the hollowed out tree trunk. I nocked an arrow into my bow and stepped into the forest. Moss and dried leaves were crushed sliently under my feet. A small female doe appeared from the bushes. I pulled back my bow string and aimed. A twig snapped from behind me and the doe ran away.  

I turned around, furious with the person behind me," Lalna! You scared it away!"  

Lalna gave me a crooked grin, "Well hello to you too Zoe-Zoe," She scowled at him but didn't say anything. "But what would you have done if you shot it anyway?" His blonde hair fell over his blue eyes. He wore a white t-shirt with brown cargo pants. His own bow strapped over his shoulder with his quiver. My father gave him one of our precious bows so that he could hunt alongside with us. Most people would think that we would be cousins because of our eyes.  

"I would have been able to feed my family and maybe yours for days," I mumbled. 

He laughed and scooped up a pebble, "Maybe I can make it up to you." He hurled the pebble into the trees and a bunch of birds took flight and I immediately shot three down with my usual clean shot through the eye. I hunted some more with Lalna and soon we managed to get a mix of rabbits, groosling and squirrels, a turkey and a few birds. We went by my usual spot by the lake where my dad used to take me. Katniss roots and sweet potatoes grew there including blackberries and strawberries. We gathered a few then I sat near the lake next to a blackberry bush with Lalna opposite me. As he skinned the animals, I picked a blackberry from the bush and tossed it to him.

"May the odds-" I said as it flew in the air.

He caught it in his mouth and replied, "-be ever in your favor. Happy Hunger games."

I laughed and picked one for myself. I popped it into my mouth and burst the flesh of the blackberry.  I put my hands behind my head and lay down onto the grass, looking at the trees and letting the soft rays of the sun that managed to come through the branches warm my face. Soon, divided the game and walked back towards our home District 12.

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