our love will be immortal

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Its been 24 hours....why hasnt she called me yet?.. Thought liah as she paced her room back and forth across the floor. Then all of a sudden her phone began to ring. Hearing the sweet soft singing of Mina as her ringtone she rushed to answer her phone. "Hello?! Mina is this you?!?! Please tell me that its you!!!!".
On the phone
" Uumm no its..ary are you okay you serm worried?". Aryanna was a close and loyal friend of Liah and Mina ever since those two started dating. Honestly if it wasnt for liah introducing her to Mina their 5 years would hardly mean anything at all. "Uhh yea im fine its jus....well.. Mina is..moving". With that depressing remark there was a awkward silence between the two girls. "So...how did you find this out?" ary' asked puzzled. "Well, i heard her talking on the phone an-" "STOP RIGHT THERE LIAH!" aryanna shouted in the phone. Damn you didnt have to shout jesus... Liah thought. "Thats where your wrong liah, why are you eavesdropping in the first place?" This made liah mad. "What di you mean 'eavesdropping' THATS MY GIRLFRIEND HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF YOU HEARED YOUR GIRL SCREAMING!". Liah was infuriated. She hated when people say something and it turns out that that's not what they ment. Jeez.she hated that. Aryanna waz silent. She's never heared her best friend this angry since that time when Mina fought a boy and got suspended for a week. Man she was pissed off. "Now you see liah, if you were to finish i wouldve known that but... You jus endednup getting an attitude". She's done it now "listen bitch if you hafnt stopped me you wouldve known but your sooooo eager to be freaking right that you dont even remember what the hell tou were talking about. Jus...jus leave me alone...okay?". Yet again another awkward silence. "Liah i..im so sorry i didnt mean to come out to you like that... I was jus-" "fuck off aryanna your only making me more upset." click. The phone has ended and all Liah felt....was loneliness. She hated that feeling. Its a whole new day and Mina...sigh Mina she missed her so much and it hasnt been a whole day yet. Again the phone began to ring and then she was agrivated, yet she still answered. "What!" she shouted rudely. But who she answered to...was an unsuspected caller....
"Well. Sorry for trying to talk to the girl of my life...shold i call late-"
"Mina! Where thw hell have you been?! I was worried SICK! You havent called me all day and...and...i-"
"Liah i told you..im moving. If i had a choice i wouldnt have a thought of leaving you...liah i love you..do you think that i want to leave you?"
This surprised Liah. Dramatically. "S-s-sorry babe i jus...i jus really miss you and i.. I dont want you to leave. I cant bear the feeling of losing the love of my life and i cant stand the feeling of lonliness". Dammit im not supposed to cry..not like this. "liah" Mina said sincerely. "When i leave tomorrow i dont want to see you cry okay? I want to see you smile because-". HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SMILE SEEING YOU LEAVE?!?!"
"LIAH! Sigh listen to me okay? I want to see you smile because i want to remember you happy when i leave...okay?" oh thats right thats what I forgot. Liah thought. "Oh! Say Mina where are you miving to?" a disturbing silence made liah fidget from her position on the large queen sized black mattress. "Mina?" she asked confused, still wondering if she on the other line. "Yeah?..." she sounds hurt... "Where are you moving to?" "oh,im moving to...America." Liah felt tears coming back to her eyes. She wanted to stop it..bit it was to late. One hot tear, right after the other from each bright ocean green eye. "Hey liah, i have to go but ill text you later okay? And hey..?". Liah wiped her burning tears from her eyes. "Yea?" "remember this okay?" and with that liah agreed and promised that she will remember whatever that she was about to say. "Liah auxanna noel i love you. No matter i will always live you and hey?..our love is forever and ever jus like it always has and alway will be. Okay? Promise me youll remember this." wow she said my whole name. She never does that unless she REALLY pissed or shes extremely serious. "Okay..sniff...i promise i will remember what you said...and before you go Mina?". "Hmm?". "I love you too". "Hmm thank you for understanding me liah...ill see you as soon as i can okay?" "okay" "alright i love you liah" "love you too Mina" "alright ill see you soon" "okay" " 'kay babe bye" "bye". As liah's phone clicked she took a nap. Dreaming and fantasizing about the future that they had planned together. Our love WILL last forever Mina...even if its the last were gonna do..and in the after life i love you then okay?
Our love i swear on it will be legendary; forever; it'll be...immortal.

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