Chapter 3: Storm

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Chapter 3: Storm

Well, this may be a little crappy, because I'm in this remote place called Malaysia hunting these little trolls causing trouble, but I'll try to continue.

Anyway, my father was the boss of the house so I had to do what he wished. And he loved moving. A lot. He never seemed to be satisfied with the town, always lacking a certain something. After the Manchester incident, he seemed to realize I was being bullied a lot and one afternoon I came home to see him talking with a very unexpected visitor.

It had been a very rainy early afternoon, typical English weather. School had let out early, so I was mainly unharmed, although dripping wet and slightly roughed up by the bullies at this school. It had become somewhat of a routine for me, and although I was still bullied for a number of different reasons, it was gradually becoming slightly less painful.

I stepped in, yanking off my boots and throwing them on the floor. Walking into the kitchen, I was about to grab a soda and head up to my room when I noticed my father talking to a short, stocky man in a strange, irregular patched cloak. Talk about Halloween! I nodded to my father, who glanced up and smiled. "Halt, this is my son, Nicholas. Nicholas, this is Halt, an old colleague of mine." I nodded to both of them again. "Hel-" I dropped my soda and narrowly managed to catch it before it smashed against the floor. It was him! The man who had rescued me from the well!

What was he doing here? My mind filled with questions I was unable to answer. I could see a flicker of recognition in the intelligent eyes hidden beneath the cowl of the cloak. My father gestured for me to come closer. "I've asked Halt to teach you some self-defense techniques. You'll go to his house every other afternoon. Got it?" I nodded wordlessly. What else was there to say? He was the boss. End.

Sprinting up to my room, I shut my door and opened my laptop. Logging onto YouTube, I watched videos until I was brain dead.

Two hours of watching videos later, I logged off and turned off my computer. Running downstairs, I surveyed the living room. Halt and Dad were still talking, poring over a thick file of notes.

Grabbing my coat, I sauntered out. Immediately, I felt much more alive. The mere blades of grass seemed to call out to me. Grinning, I spun wildly in the rain.

The trees themselves seemed to wave at me, like a benevolent presence sheltering me. The wind whipped harshly around me but I didn't care. I was alive in this world.

I yelled and whooped, running through the field outside our house. The rain slashed at me and the wind cut, but I didn't care. Lying down in the grass, I gazed up at the storm in all it's glory. Obviously I couldn't see much because of the rain in my eyes, but I could hear the roll of thunder and vaguely see the brilliant flashes of white and blue lightning.

As the might of the storm wound down, I got up, feeling refreshed. Trudging back to the house, I shook the rain from my hair and grinned. That was fun. I glanced up uneasily, seeing a flicker of movement in my peripheral vision. But there was nobody there. What!? How- I was sure there had been someone...

(Once again, I'm sorry, but I have split this into two parts. Watch out for the second, it's gonna be out soon, I haven't finished transcribing it.)


(Edit: Btw thanks @Crescune for telling us about the mistake.)

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