Fixing the Broken

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Emily's POV

When I was younger, my parents were the best. I don't mean this just because they're my parents. I say this because they were always there for me, through a nightmare or a bad grade I got on a test. They comforted and guided me through any problem I had. I could say I got anything I asked for but it never left me feeling spoiled, just appreciative of what they did. I missed that feeling.

That was my childhood. When I got to the age my parents felt I was responsible, which I'm guessing was around 14 when they slowly began disappearing from my life to lose themselves in their work. Mom was a freelance photographer and Dad worked as a private contractor, he was gone the most out of the two surprisingly. Back to the point, I felt the warmth and affection from the gone and I sought out to feel it. That was how I found myself more at my best friends's houses. Alyssa and Marie didn't mind, their parents gave me sympathy and it was nice. They didn't replace my folks, only gave me a feeling of being wanted. That's when the need to fix things started to set in, bringing animals home that looked like they needed food and a home. They usually did get a home, I kept one. A German Shepard I found coming home from school a few years ago. I named him Ace for being my favorite card to draw when I felt alone, he was there.

In school, my grades stayed straight A's with a B once in a while. I wasn't one to let my insecurity affect my grades. Or anything I did. I stayed strong, it's how I rolled is what you can say.

Or that was until he showed up.

Monday- First Day of School

Alyssa and Marie were gossiping about the hot guys they saw over the summer, I nodded along and listened since I wasn't the type to gossip. I was listening to Marie talk about how her and Troy, a boy a grade older than us and one of the star football players, were hooking up on summer break when I saw people whispering and pointing. My eyes following them until I saw him. And God, I don't think I could try not to look. He was gorgeous, breathe taking. Faint words from conversations around us reached me.

"He's new.."

"Never seen him before..."

"I want him."

My gaze followed him as he entered the school building and I swore he was smiling, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Alyssa speak with a nudge to my side, "Is Emily infatuated with someone?" I let out a giggle and looked down, letting my hair cascade down to hide the faint blush that's forming on my cheeks as I mumble, "There's a new kid.." That got my friends to gossip more as we stood to walk inside, hearing the bell to signal first hour will begin. I waved bye to Marie and Alyssa, knowing I'll see one or the other before lunch. Moving to enter my first period class, English. Taking a seat in the middle of the classroom as Mr. Belford got up to start our first lesson, but that stopped when he entered the class. He walked towards the teacher, handing him a piece of paper. Mr. Belford read it and stood in front of the desk, his coming out calmly to indicate we should quiet down. "Class, we have a new student joining us for the year. Choose wherever you want to sit, Mr. Bennett." The teacher went to the board to begin writing stuff down, leaving the student looking across the room. When I felt his gaze connect with mine for what could've been a few seconds, butterflies were in my stomach and I tried fighting off a smile. He started walking down the middle row and brushed past me, sitting in the back of the class. I glanced over my shoulder at him and it's when our gazes locked, feeling myself blush at the sight of the smirk that was on his lips. It wasn't a cocky one, it was the I got what I wanted smirk. Butterflies were replaced by elephants as I quickly looked away, trying to focus on class while the images of him and that smirk plagued me.

Oh, how I didn't know it would get worse than that.

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