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The heat of sun rays peeking through the curtain hit Zinni's face waking her up.

So this is it. Her first day on her new school. She didn't really want to transfer since she already made friends on her old school but she also made enemies.

Zinni exhaled loudly because of the thought. She immediately sat up the bed and stretch.

A knock on the door was heard.

"Zinni, wake up. It's your first day at your new school right?"

"I'm already up Mom,just wait downstairs I'll just wash up." She replied. Her mom answered with a delighted hum.

"Okay but hurry up I cooked your favorite breakfast. Okay?" Then she headed downstairs.

Hearing that her favorite breakfast was served, Zinni did everything in a whirl.


"Mom, thanks for the breakfast. Gotta go." She said as she got up from the chair and kissed her mom on the cheeks.

"Okay, take care Zinni and make friends okay?"

At the sound of the word 'friends' Zinni's smile faltered a little.

She didn't bother to answer her mom. She just walked towrds the couch and pulled her backpack and exited their house.


Zinni was now standing in the front gates of Trinity High, her new school. She watched as the other students enter. Some with their own friends or group, some were reading books maybe reviewing for a test or something like that.

Guess she was the only loner in this school. Zinni just shrugged at the thought. Then enter the gates to her new school where new adventure awaits for her.


Zinni just got her schedule and transcript and was now looking for her room, 2A.

She was busy looking for her room that she didn't notice a person coming at her. And then it happened, they bumped into each other. They both groaned in pain.

She heard multiple gasp around her and whispers began to fill the place. She was rubbing her now sore butt.

Zinni looked at the person she ran into. The pink-haired guy was also rubbing his butt and pain was etched into his face.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." She said sincerely since the guy looked like he's really in pain.

"Here, let me help you." She offered her hand. He looked up to her then her hand. He lifted his hand and when she thought he was going to grab her hand but he slapped it away. He slowly stood up and dusted his pants and coat.

Zinni was dumbfounded. Her jaw dropped at the ill-manner the boy shown her.

"Tch. No need newbie. If you weren't so stupid, you wouldn't had bumped into me and fell. Gosh why are their so many stupid people here." The pink-haired boy said with such arrogant tone and that smug expression.

She just looked at him and studied his features. He looked so innocent with his chinky eyes, tall nose and cat-like pink lips plus his milky white skin. No one will guess that this boy is so arrogant.

Zinni bit her lips in annoyance. It seems like her first day was officially ruined by this jerk.

The boy just gave her a smirk and started to walk away from her.

This immediately broke Zinni's control and said.

"Well if you aren't stupid too, you should have seen me and evaded me. I already said sorry. Tch. I guess you're one of those popular guys of this school, aren't you? Huh! Well guess what, I-DONT-EFFIN-CARE. You don't get to act like that around me boy." She sassed.

Zinni's not one to be intimadated. She had already experienced this situation many times since she already transferred a lot of times before.

Her words seems to anger the boy. He gritted his teeth and slowly walked up to her. Once they were only inches away from each other's faces. Their eyes seems to shoot fire for each other.

'Does this pretty boy really thinks that he can frightened me with his fiery stare? Let's see who'll surrender first then and it's totally not so me.' Zinni said in her mind.

A clap was heard through the place and the students buzzing around them immediately scattered and left the place.

"Okay, that's enough already. Stop scaring the newbie, Ione." She heard someone with amusement in his tone. She's curious to whom was it but she's not going to pull her stare and be the one to surrender here.

Ione (*Ee-yon) at the MM.

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