The Girlfriend

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I think I might judge to harshly. Aunt Cassie isn't as bad as I thought she was and neither is James.

"Jamie? Honey? Is that you?" Aunt Cassie calls to me from downstairs.

I head downstairs and into to library where she sits. "Yes?" I look around, it is kind of cluttered with books. They are stacked on the desk and the floor, really, they are anywhere but the shelves.

"Can you help me dearie? I was dusting the shelves, but right as I was about to put the books back my back started hurting. So, can you put the books back onto the shelves I tell you?" She says this clutching her side. I do worry about her sometimes, she is old, 56. My dad was the baby, but he wasn't much younger than Aunt Cassie, only 3 years younger.

"Of course Aunt Cassie."

By the time the books are all put away, the sun is just getting ready to set.

"Go on honey, I kept you long enough." Aunt Cassie gives me a knowing smile. I suppose when there are only two people living in a house you realize when one isn't inside. I smile back at her and run to my usual spot in the field. As I run there, the grain tickles me. The wind whispers through it, as though a warning. When I get to my spot, I realize why it felt like it was warning me.

She turns and looks me in the eye. Krista. "You drove home with him?" She already knows the answer, you can tell by how she asks it. Right now, however, she wants me to humor her. So that is exactly what I do. No point trying to beat around the bush.

"Yeah. Thanks to you I missed the bus, so he drove me home. We live near each other anyways, so it doesn't really matter," I tell her nonchalantly.

"Oh, but it does matter. I think I recall telling you to stay away from him. You deliberately ignored my advice. I'll give you one more warning Jamie, stay away from my boyfriend." The threat in her voice was scary, but I wasn't going to succumb to her.

"I'd rather not. He is the first person my age to treat me with any decency in this town." I added a smirk that read "I don't care" and that seemed to be the final straw. I saw the glint of silver right before it entered my stomach. I fall to the ground, speechless. The pain blossoms in my stomach and I reach down and feel the warm, sticky blood that now forces its way out, trying to save me.

I hear the rustling of grain as she walks to me and crouches down. "Really, I tried to warn you. Maybe you'll take that to heart." The pity on her face is a lie. She has not pity bone in her. She stands and walks off.

I look at the sky. The oranges and pinks seem to be running together, making a perfect blend. Now I see what James meant when he described the stars at this time. Because up above me shone the most beautiful stars.

Maybe I could just die. It wouldn't be so bad. I could be with mom and dad as well as Jason. I miss them so very much. I could. I could leave this living hell and be with the ones I love so much. But I don't want Krista to win.

The pain spreads and the last thing I hear is distant screams.


Author's note:

I know this was a short part, but I just felt like this would happen soon, so I put it now since I couldn't get it out of my head. Hope y'all like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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