Fight Loves Back - book #1

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Things you should know before I start. First I mite change it to a reader x Garroth or x Arron or x Laurence or x Danta or all of them. (Or other characters) Second thing is I put up to other books out ( Daughter in Power and how To Fix A Broken Heart) they are also Minecraft Dairies fan fictions. For now I only can forces on one so I need you guys to tell me which one I should finish first then that way I could finish all of them without getting them confused .And last but not least some of the back stories are different for example. Arron never had a family (^~^) (his wife and kids never existed) don't worry I will explain everything as we go.(^~^)

Hope you like it. Love, - 2_kawaii_4_u. (⌒▽⌒)
Garroth's POV (yes I know weird POV to start it with)

"Garroth? Are you sure you heard the noise coming from here?" Laurence asked following behind me."Ya Garroth. I didn't even hear the noise. If I find out it is just a little bunny that bothered you, you won't be hearing anything when I cut your ear off." Dante said following me and Laurence."What's wrong with him!" I whispered to Laurence. He shrugged. "Probably stressed out with all that is going on. Plus we kind of woke him up in the middle of the night for hearing something that could have just been a little bunny." I stopped.

"I wasn't the only one who heard it. You said you herd it too ." I pointed it out to Laurence. "What if it was Arron who made the noise?" Dante said still mad. "Arron wouldn't make noise. We wouldn't even know he was here." I replied. Just as I was about to give in the noise came back. It was like a sticks breaking. We all looked at each other then walked over to the bush to see what was behind it.

I slowly move the leaves out of the way trying not make the same mistake the 'visitor' made. I carefully look threw to see an opening. It was in a form of a circle. The trees were the border but that didn't matter. What was more important was what we saw in the middle.

A person. A girl or a boy? I couldn't tell because of the cloak it was wearing. What was weirder is that the noise wasn't coming from "it" it was coming from behind "it" in the bushes. Was "it" being followed or did "it" know "the other it"

"Should we attack? Or should we try to talk to "it" and ask "it"why "it" is hear?" Laurence asked. Half of me wanted to fight "it" and the other half wanted to ask her why one earth she was here.

"I think we should fight "it"." Dante said already taking his swords out. Laurence rolled his eyes. "Your just mad cause we woke you up." He said. "Well I think I should at least get something out of it." Dante said.

"It doesn't even have a weapon." Laurence said looking over to it. I wasn't so sure about that. It could be hiding anything under its cloak."Makes it easier for me." Dante simply said pushing threw the bushes. Laurence rolled his eyes and pulled out his sword out too and followed.

"Wait Dante! Laurence!" I whispered yelled. What if it was just here to find a place to live or even just a messenger. I pushed threw the leaves only to see Dante and Laurence on the ground not hurt just tired. Breathing hard and trying to get up. I looked up to the person who did this. It was looking down at them and said "pathetic" then looked up to me. It pulled out its sword again. I did as well. I took one last look at Dante and Laurence on the floor. How did it do it. So fast. Not even hurting them or itself. I looked up and started to charge at it.

I got closer and closer to it but then all the sudden it moved over to the right and I landed face to the floor. Wow. Wow Garroth you fell for the oldest trick in the book. Get up dummy. I said to myself. I got up and picked up my sword. It was looking at me with a its head tilted. What was it looking at?

Once more I charged at it. This time it didn't block it. She ducked and tripped me. Once more face to the floor. This time I got up fast and tripped it. It fell on its back. I pointed the sword to its throat and smiled. I was about to clam victory when it ... laughed? Before I knew it, my sword was taken from me by its swift moves and now it had its sword to my throat. I stopped moving not wanting to have my head chopped off.

All of the sudden there was clapping behind me.
"Its" POV (or the person fighting Garroth)

I sighed and got up from my sleeping bag.

"Another bad dream?" My brother, Jonny, asked still half asleep. "I was screaming? Wasn't I?" I asked him. He nodded and sat up. "Let me guess now that your awake you're going to take a walk?" He asks. I smiled. He knew me better then I thought. I nodded and got out of our tent and stretched. A few minutes later he came out to. "Were do you think you're going?" I asked him putting on my shoes.

"With you. I need to protect my little sister " He simply said and gave me a pat on my head. I stopped and looked on him. "Please don't make me laugh. We both know that if you go I will have to protect you." I said and continued putting on my shoes. "Ya but..." I cut him off. "No buts. You are going to stay here and sleep or do what ever you do." I said finally done with my shoes. I graved my cloak and pit it on. He was going to grave his shoes and put them on but I glared at him and graved my sword. "Fine! I will stay here!" He said dropping them. I smiled. He knew I wouldn't do anything to him but still. I started walking into the forest.

There was a clearing not far from camp and it was my favorite stop. I walked to the direction it was in. I kept hearing sticks breaking. I knew it was Jonny but I wasn't the mood for screaming at him more. So I pretended I didn't notice. He wasn't really good at being quiet. One more reason I didn't want him to come with me.

Finally, the clearing. I haven't really searched around the area so I didn't know what would come out of the bushes. I sighed. Jonny was really loud. I could probably hear him a mile away. I closed my eyes and tried to see if there was any other noises around us. There were steps coming no running to me I quickly turned around and pulled my sword out and blocked both of the swords. I knew exactly what to do. I positioned my sword so it would be hard for then to nock it out of my hands and so they would use all there power up. Soon when I felt there power go down I push them off and they fell to the ground. Tired. "Pathetic" I said looking at them. When will I ever find someone who can bet me. I looked up feeling someone's eyes on me. A man stood there looking at me surprised that I was able to do what I just did. I pulled out my sword ready to fight. So did not before he took one last look at his blue haired and brown haired friends. He then started charging.

He fell face first to the ground. I tried holding back a laugh. I was about to walk away until I saw him get up. I looked at him confused. Usually they would quite. He came charging once more. Knowing he wouldn't fall for the same trick I ducked and tripped him. Once more face to the floor. I stood up only to be tripped. Wow didn't see that coming. I opened my eyes to see him with a sword to my throat and smiled. I couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed. He thought he won! With one swift move I nocked his sword out of his hands and put my sword to his neck. I got up and smiled. He stop moving knowing if he did I could easily cut his head off.

Then there was clapping behind him.

Oh no.

"Bravo! That was beautiful!" Jonny said walking up to us and talking my sword off of the mans neck. "What are you doing! Go back to the camp Jonny." I said mad. He completely ignoring me and walking to the man.

"Congratulations! You are the closest anyone has got to defeating her." He said.


Well that was the first chapter. (≧∇≦)/ hope you like it.


Do you want reader x (who ever)



If yes then who do you want to be with?





*Zane (⌒▽⌒)

*zenix ( ^∇^)


*all of the above (*^▽^*)


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