Chapter 21

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"She not only improved but she became the star of the show!"- Jessica's Maths teacher,  Mr Magumise said enthusiastically. 

Her parents smiled at her. She nervously returned it.

"We are so proud of you Jessica!"- her mother told her.

"Too proud!"- her father followed.

She smiled again but it was not genuine.  She had other things on the her mind.  Like the fact that her boyfriend hadn't called or been with her in a week.

"You should be jumping up and down! Improvements like this don't happen everyday, you know."

"I know sir."- Jessica said.

"Although with your mentor an improvement was sure to be successful...."

Jessica was not listening at all. Her eyes scanned the room looking for him. Hall was packed with parents, teachers and students. The Quarterly parents meeting always attracted a lot of masses. They only had one stop left and that was her Science teacher, Mr Kupeta. 


She looked up and found her parents and teacher staring at her.

"I'm sorry, my thoughts were else where. "- she said, embarassed that she'd been so rude.

"Well, we would like to meet this mentor of yours. Where is she?"


She silently corrected.
Lie, that's what she was gonna do. She couldn't introduce him to them when she wasn't sure what was wrong with him. What she'd done wrong.


She'd thought of a lie and was about to say it when Mr Magumise interrupted her.

"There he is!"- he pointed somewhere behind her patents. 
They all turned.

He was getting off stage while taking to the principal. He had his Full school uniform on. And to top it all off he had his blazer on with all his scrolls that represented his various achievements. He looked the part of an RCL.

"The young man with the principal, that's him."- Mr Magumise pointed out.

He was still waking through the crowd now. Smiling pleasantly at people and greeting them as well. That's when he looked in their direction. Their eyes met and for a brief moment she saw it. The coldly polite guy she thought she'd cracked open.

He smiled and started walking over. His strides were confident and controlled. His shoulders squared. What was he defending himself from.

"Good Afternoon!"- he greeted crisply. 

Everyone returned his greeting. 

"This is one of the best learners this school has ever seen, Jabulani. If I listed his achievements it'd take the whole night."

Her parents smiled.

"I am very thankful for help." her father held out his hand. And Jay took it.

"You are a very bright young man from what I here. I wish you the best and that you for taking my daughter under your wing."- her mother gave him a hug.

"Thank you ma'm! Jessica is a hardworker and that's all she really needs. I just gave her a push..."

He'd said all these things and he hadn't looked at her. It ate her up inside and forced her into silence.

The conversation kept on going and she didn't pay attention to a thing. His mother was smiling at something Jay said and her father was watching him intently. The tension was thick amd she didn't think she could take it any longer

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