Chapter 31

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"Look at them!" Jessica instructed Happy to looked out the window at the boys. They were standing in the parking lot outside the family's cottage on the estate. They were deep in conversation and for the first time Jessica wasn't nervous about them being in close proximity to each other.

"What do you think they're talking about?" She looked at Happy who was standing right next to her. "I don't know." She whispered. She didn't look as cheerful as she was during dinner. They'd spent the whole night talking. It wasn't awkward much but the tension between Dylan and Jay still coursed it's way around the room. They need time, Jessica concluded, after some time they'd get used to the situation and become civil. "Are you okay?"

Happy looked back at her. She looked worried; it was written all over her face."I'm scared." She confessed. Jessica was sure her confusion was evident on her face as Happy explained further. "I still have to go back home and face my family... my mom. I don't know if I can do that." She turned and started taking shaky steps toward the kitchen counter. Her ceremony was in a month's time. She would have been celebrating her virginity, her innocence and now, it was gone, of this Jessica was sure.

"Are you gonna tell them the truth?" She asked, softly. Jessica dreaded having to ask her but she had to. A plan needed to be made and for all they knew, the boys were discussing the same thing.

"I can't lie. At some point the truth would come out and -"
"There's no point in lying if you're gonna get caught." Jessica cut her off. She'd heard Jay preach it all the time. She always thought he was calculating in that way. He was a cynic of some sort, with every move came a reason and each reason more cold and calculated than last. It had rubbed off on Jess. "Your mother will not love you less." she put her hand on Happy's shoulder, a comforting gesture.

Happy knew better. Her mother loved her and there was no question about it but she knew she would be disappointed in her. "I have to tell her the truth, Jess" It was nothing more than a breathe that came out her lips. "It's going to kill me but I have to." she let out a small cry of agony and Jessica moved in for a hug. She held Happy as she cried because she knew that she needed to tell the truth. It really was the only way.

He did not have to say anything. Jay balled his hands into a fist by the side of his body, as the thought came to him. They had slept together and he knew it. He wish Happy had thought it through.

"I am not even going to ask!" Jay said through a clenched jaw.

"Good! Cause you were not going to get anything from me."

"You don't know what you've done, do you?" Jay asked with clenched teeth. He was fuming. The anger causing him stumble over ever my world. He didn't do anything even though he wanted to punch him in his face. This is why he disliked love. People used it as an excuse to do things without thinking. He thought about his action before he executes them and that's why he didn't do love.

"No, I don't but I bet you're gonna tell me." Dylan answered. The mocking tone driving Jay to square up. Dylan didn't take it lightly and dared him to do something with a glare that would have sent chills down anyone's spine... but not Jay's. He could feel Jessica's eyes on him and he wasn't going to disappoint her.

"You May think that you've done is a of love but all you've proven is that you're weak." Control, the one trait Jay had in spades. When he first met Jess he'd wanted her with everything he had; sleeping with her had been all he could think about.  Now, he could think straight. He knew that that part of their relationship would have to wait.

"I'm not going to have this conversation with you but the one thing I will say is this: I love her and I'll do anything to protect!"

Jay let out a frustrated groan! "I would never hurt Happy." He told Dylan quietly. He knew that one of them had to be level-headed and he'd gladly step up. "I don't think you have what it take to love her. You may think that racists are your biggest obstacle but there are other things you'll have to look past." It felt like a betrayal, saying this to him but Jay knew it was for the best. "I have always looked after her—" his voice broke; emotions bubbling up inside him. "And she's always looked after me." Jay walked up to him, looked him right in the eye and told him what he needed him to know. "I'll let you help look out for her. It will get hard and I hope..." he took one more step toward him. " won't break her heart!" The words were laced in a deadly threat. Dylan felt it but he was not phased because he would never hurt Keitumetse, never!

After lunch they all headed to Johannesburg. Jessica was not with Jay, so, she sulked. Dylan had made a fuss over not letting her ride with him. Which was stupid as they'd came up to Pretoria together. She looked outside the window, her mind lingering on how she'd found Dylan with Keitumetse. She hated that it wasn't her and Jay in that position. He still wouldn't touch her with a ten foot massage pole. She'd lied for nothing, basically.

"What are you thinking about?" Dylan asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"About how happy you and Keitumetse are. I wish I could have that with Jay." Her voice threatened to break. She was being dramatic and she knew it. "I mean all Jay and I do is kiss. I was—"

"No, no!" Dylan shook his head. "We aren't talking about this!"

Jessica lower lip quivered, "Well, I guess I have no to talk to then!" She had forgotten herself. She'd go home and tell her friends, consult Maria. Maybe, she'd get good advice.

"Are you gonna tell our parents?"

She watched Dylan jaw clench. She hoped he would be braver and embrace his lo—

"Yes!" He cut into her thoughts.

"What?" She couldn't hide the shock. Nope, she said expected him to be him. Expected him to be denial and fight his feeling for Happy at every turn.

"I'm going to introduce happy to the family!"

And with that Jessica's jaw dropped to the floor.
"What's the plan?" Jabulani asked Keitumetse. He knew that they had to come up with a plan. Her mother was not going to take this matter lightly. Happy had ran away from home and slept with a boy before her ceremony. Jay couldn't help but think about how bad this situation would be.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." Happy looked at him and he could see eyes brimming with water. She was going to have a melt down.
"I have to tell her the tooth. I can't lie."

"I think so too." Jay agreed. Lying was never an options with parents because those are essentially the only people that could help when the chips are down thus honesty, with parents, was always the best policy.

"I love him, Jay. I love him so much and I don't regret what happened." She told as she stared at the N1, which was the road ahead, on their way to the Vaal triangle. "I just wish I had told my mom about it first."

Jay wished that for her too. He wished that she could have thought this through. Just waited one more month and then they could have tore each other's clothes off. I could have just waited. He couldn't say that now because she didn't need to hear it.

"Do you need to be there?" He asked.
"Yes, I can't do this alone."
That's all he needed. If he got beaten up with her then so be it. He would be standing next to her when she told her mother what she'd done.

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