Chapter 6 - Cuddle Buddies

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" Look screw the stupid pact. You have my blessings.

But you can't be seen in public more than friends. He's dating someone remember ?"

Niall budged in.

" Ugh Harreh ! When are you gonna kick management in the ass ? First Cara and now Taylor.

It's YOUR love life. Get a grip ! "

Ending it with his eyebrow wiggle.Louis and his sass. He can work it alright.

" Well excuse me for not wanting a whole hit platinum album based on me !"

Harry defended.

" Alright guys please. Harry is assigned to Taylor until the 23rd of January. It'll be over this month."

Liam tried to bring some sense into this.

" But what if I can't last this month ? I don't like her. And now I have one other reason to end it."

Harry whined as he looked at me.

' Well how about you two think about it and we'll see you at the premiere tomorrow ?"

Zayn and the rest of the boys hugged us good night.

" It's just you and me." Harry cleared up as he closed the door.

" Thank you, sherlock." I made fun of him. He giggled in embarrassment. Harry you're such a cute english muffin I just.

" That was one hell of a night" I added

" Yeah."

" Let's just sleep on it ?"

Harry nodded and we changed into our onesies. It was a tradition.

Whenever one of us slept over, we must wear onesies.

" CUDDDDLEEEEE BUDEEEEEEEH " I yelled as my weight shifted into the bed.

" I'm gonna do it now." Harry stared at me.

" You're gonna do what ?" I'm confused.

Instead of answering me, Harry grabbed his phone and dialed a number. I scooted closer and read the ID.


He pressed the speaker button.

" It's six AM !. What is wrong with you ! " Taylor's voice yelled. Meh time difference.

" I feel you brah" I mouthed to harry.

" What's so funny? You think this is funny ?! UGH what do you want?" Taylor jumped in.

I was so ready and this close to yelling ' Calm Yo Vagina Blondie' Until Harry gently covered

my mouth with his big hand. Hero of the day. Psh not that I'm complaining or anything.

You keep that hand there, you better.

" I'm breaking up with you" Harry said bluntly staring at me. Ouch

" What ? No. You can't. It's not January 23rd yet. No. WHAT IS GOING ON ? "

" Well I don't care do I ? Goodbye. We are over."

" Ugh fuck you, Styles."

" No, thanks. I don't want herpes."

Harry's hand was the only barrier to my loud laughs. HERPES ?? This is why I love this guy.

I let my head fall into the pillow as he plugged his phone into the charger.

" Well done my man. I have raised you right." I encouraged him.

" You just wait for Simon to call"

And boy was he right.

" Yes. No I won't date her anymore. Okay. I'll explain it all to the paparazzi tomorrow.

Yes. Alright. Goodbye"

" SO ?" I asked as excited as a little child.

" You're cute. It's all fine. Simon is a little upset but this should teach him something."

" About that cuddle buddy ?" I asked.

Harry spread his arms as I gladly surrounded them. I could feel his curls tickling my ears.

He was really squeezing me. Not complaining again.

I slowly moved my tiny fingers tracing his abs through his shirt.

I looked up at his eyes. He slowly stared at my lips then at my eyes. Lips until eyes.

I could feel the bed shifting when he Lowered himself on me. On top, I like it.

He kept staring at my eyes. I couldn't take the tension anymore as

I grabbed his silver paper necklace and pulled him down. We slowly lip locked.

It felt we had all the time in the world. No rush here. Just enjoying it.

I shifted my fingers from his stomach moving them upwards to his curls.

I could feel those palms caressing my cheeks.

Vibrating. Something is vibrating. My phone again.

" Great. Just perfect" I said between breathes as I pulled away.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and answered.

Kera is my manager, mom, friend, and a sister.

She can be really strict when she wants to but she sure as hell knows how to work it in this business.

It all goes to her honestly.

" Yes Kera?"

" Please explain to me why Haylor is no longer a couple ? What is going on ?'"

Word travels fast in London. I shifted and moved until I was sitting up.

I slowly ran my hand trough my hair before I prepared my self for a whole night of explaining.

I told her everything. Every thing from Ms.M asking us to suck her dick to Niall's hands all over

me to Harry's fight. Literally everything. I trust her.

" Uh-huh. Hmmm. I should've seen this coming. Alright just please don't be late tomorrow.

Do you need a stylist ? A dress ?"

Crap. I didn't go dress shopping ! Holy shit. The promo is tomorrow. This ain't gonna be good.

" Um yes. No I don't need a stylist. See you . Bye "

I quickly hung up and flopped on the bed not giving Kera one chance to answer.

Go get some sleep women. How does she just remember to call me up each night ? I underestimated her.

" So ?" Harry asked.

" She approves."

" Why the sad face then ?"

" I don't have a dress. She expects me to look dashing and perfect for the promo."

" You can always call up Eleanor and you can go shopping. There's time babe"

I turned around and just hugged him. I could use one right now. Plus his idea is great.

El and I are similar in style. I bet we can grab something gorgeous with both of our minds combined.

" Now where were we ?" Harry smiled at me.

I'm sorry that the chapter are very short I promise they're getting longer.. :)

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