Chapter 2: Am I really part Cat?? pt 1

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It was already early in morning, I was quickly getting dressed for school, I needed to ask something to Takumi my best friend at school, besides he's always gets there early. I ran downstairs and out the front door. My mom grabbed my hair while having a disgusted look on her face. I looked at her and smiled "Good morning, mom and dad! I need to get to school early today." My mom lets go of my hair and hands me my bento and backpack "You forgot this, Nico." I just grabbed my stuff from my mom and ran out of the house. My dad just chuckled while he was reading the newspaper. I was running down the street and I bumped into Takumi. I look up and I saw Takumi. Takumi grabbed my hand "Hey are you ok buddy?" I nodded yes, and I tilted my head side ways "Why are you out here? I thought you were in school?" Takumi just patted my head "I had some things to take of at my house, Nico" I was puzzled and curious. I wanted to ask him more questions but I didn't. I walked be side him and asked him while walking "Do you know a boy name Haru?" Takumi shook his head no and he leans towards me "What gotten you sudden interest in guys??" I just pushed him away and started walking fast "It's not like that! I was going ask you some more questions but nevermind!" Takumi kept on following me and looking at my face. I was trying so hard to ignore him and we've finally reached to the school. Michiko also my best friend, she was standing in front of the school while crossing her arms "How long are you guys going to make me wait?!" I bowed to her many times saying sorry and Takumi just laughed. We entered into the school building and it was freezing in there. My hands started to become numb. Takumi rubs my hands against his hands, it felt really warm. I didn't want to want him to let go of my hands. So I stared at Takumi's eyes for a long time. He would blush a little and he knew I was feeling cold, so we sat down on the cold floor and I cuddled him. He felt so warm that I let a sound that was very embarrassing "Nyaa...Takumi.." Takumi and Michiko looked at each other and looks at me. I could tell immediately, I said something wrong. I quickly got up covering my mouth and I was thinking "Did I say "Nyaa"? Why?? I couldn't understand why and again all these thoughts are running circles. Takumi just patted my head "That's really cute Nico." I'm glad he didn't I was weird and so the school bell rang and classes has began. We rushed to class and sat down at our desks. Our Miss. Sukiya our homeroom teacher is going to teach us about fish and that word "fish" made me drool. I don't know why but it made me hungry and it isn't lunch break yet either. Uzou also my best friend in my class stared me, he made a funny face and I nearly laughed. Takumi burtsed out laughing and he was sent to stand in the hall way. But when Miss. Sukiya showed a picture of a fish to the entire class, I immediately got up and started to drool even more. The entire class class thought I had rabies or something. Takumi told me wipe the drool from my chin. I blushed and looked away thinking "How embarrassing, "It feels like I'm turning into a cat or worse maybe it's the chemicals my mom injected in me." I ran out of class feeling ashamed and everyone was laughing at me. I ran inside the farthest  empty room so I could rest there and catch my breath. I sat down and Takumi was there. I got so shock and surprise that I passed out. Takumi would grab my head  and lay it on his lap. His smell was very sweet like chocolate. I didn't want this to end, so I pretended to sleep. Takumi touches my hair and I would purr softly. He laughed a little and he kissed my cheek. I was just hoping If I could stay as a human for one more day because I'm scared Takumi, Michiko and Uzou would hate me if I became part cat.

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