Chapter 2 Am I really part Cat?? pt 2 end

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The whole day, Takumi and I stayed in that empty room until school ended. We heard the school bell. and we headed  back to class to get our stuff. Miss. Sukiya wasn't in the classroom, she must've left. Michiko came back to class, gasping for air and she looked at us "Where the hell have you both been?! I was looking for you!" Takumi explained on what happened, and Michiko just hugged me "You lucky cat!" I looked at her in confusion "Cat??......" Michiko and Takumi started walking without me, and I followed them but from walking behind them both, they look like a great couple. I did feel a little jealous so I jumped on the roof top. I was shocked that I was able to do that. When Michiko and Takumi looked back, they noticed that I wasn't following them. Michiko panicked "Nico?! Nico?! Where are you?!" Takumi began search for me and looked into every stores, bushes, and trees. For me, when I look at them from the roof top, they look like parents running around and panicked looking for their child. I didn't really care. Soon after, I began to smell the air and it smelled like fresh fish, grilled. It smelled so good so I followed the scent. I jumped down and I landed on my legs and I ran towards the scent. Takumi spotted me "Nico I found you!" I ran away from him as fast as I can. Takumi chases after me and he grabbed my arm "Nico, where do you think your going?" I buried my face on his chest "I'm hungry, I want to eat grilled fish.." Takumi patted my head and laughs "You are like a cat, Nico!" I stared at him for a long time, then he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I touched my cheek "Why you do that for?!" Takumi replied to me in a sarcastic way "Because you needed it." I looked at him in a weird way "I don't need a guy to kiss me on the cheek, dumb a**." I continued to walk in front of him and I followed the scent of grilled fish, it lead to a old shop and there was a old man working there. The old man stepped outside to greet us "Ah. Hello there young folks!" I shook his hand "Nice to meet you." Takumi just sat on the ground. I asked to Takumi where Michiko is at. Takumi said He lost track of her. I pushed him forcefully "Go find her!!" Takumi ran off to find Michiko and I stayed behind with the old man. Old man gave me free grilled fish and I ate one in a few seconds "Ahh...that tasted so good..." The Old man looked at me as if he saw something weird and he pointed to my head. I touched my head and I felt Cat Ears. I grabbed the mirror I found and I screamed as long as I could. Takumi and Michiko came running fast as they could. Michiko glared at the old man and Takumi came by my side. I hugged Takumi really tight "I'm turning into a part cat!" Michiko looked at the back of me "Nico, you have a tail and it's soft!" I couldn't believe it, the chemicals in my body to react that my mom injected to me. Takumi rubbed my ears and it felt really good that I purred and I licked Takumi's neck. Takumi got surprised and pushed me away. I looked at him and I blushed a bit. Takumi just turned around in embarrassment and said "Let's go home now, it's getting late." I shook my shake side to side " I want to stay with you! I don't want to go home..." Michiko nods her head "Takumi, you should let him stay at your house. I heard Nico's parents are really insane, I think it's best for him to stay there for a while now." Takumi nodded and he looked at me "Are you ok with that Nico? You staying at my place?" I overjoyed and excited. I never went to Takumi's place before. I smiled at him "Of course! So please treat me well and take care of me good." Takumi just held on to my hand and we started to walk to Takumi's home. Michiko had to leave so we said our goodbyes and we part ways. Finally we reached Takumi's house a few minutes later. Then Takumi's mom opened the door, she threw salt at me while saying "Begone demon! Monster!" Takumi tried to explain to her but she wouldn't listen. I guess what you can say being a part cat is tough....but am I a part cat? Takumi's mom soon to realize that I was a part cat and she sighed of relief. She bowed to me several times and told me I could eat dinner with them. I told her "It's alright. I ate already" Takumi said the same thing to her and we both went to Takumi's room. I looked around his room since it's my first time. Takumi would hug me from behind and I got startled. Takumi back away "I-I'm sorry Nico. You just felt so soft." I would just smile saying "It is ok, I don't mind." We both went to sleep pretty early, we were exhausted from going places today. Hopefully, everything will ok tomorrow with my cat ears and a tail. I snuggled to Takumi and he hold me gently. Takumi's mom turned off the lights and she said " Goodnight, sweet dreams you two." and then closes the door. Soon after my mom called Takumi's house, because she got the phone from my homeroom teacher Miss Sukiya. Takumi's mom would answer it: "Hello? Who is this?...Ah Nico? He is asleep right now. What? would come and get him?" I started to shake. I could remember what my mom has done to me. Takumi relaized that I was shaking and he would embrace me with his arms saying "It's ok..your mom is not going to get you this time" Takumi also texted to Michiko, Michiko replyed back "Don't worry. Let Nico to stay calm." Takumi hugged me really tight and I cried silently, I don't want to go back there to my home. Takumi pats my head very gently and I purred and fel asleep, and minutes later Takumi fell asleep also. I guess it's best not to worry. We will go to school tomorrow and just have a good time. 

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