Part 2

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Emily's POV:

School got out and I wait for Chapin to get out of band practice then I walk over to Chapin for a ride because my car broke down. I hug Chapin and look at her. She is beautiful. "Hey Chapin can I get a ride to your house?" I asked. Chapin smiled then said, "Yes." We get into her car and go to her house.

Chapins POV:

I pull into the driveway and look over and see my dad is home. I look at Emily and say, "Go inside and go to my room. I will get drinks. Pick out a movie in my room." Emily smiles and we get out and she goes up to my room. I go into the kitchen and get drinks and I shut the fridge then go to walk up the stairs when my dad gets up. "Chapin, come here sweetie." he said in a deep voice. I walked over to him and he slapped me. I stood there and took the pain. "Go get me two beers." he said. I go to get him two beers but he only has one. I walk over to him and hand him one. "That was the only one." I say scared. He grabbed it and set it down then got up and pulled me away from the TV and he punched my shoulder. I sit there in pain then he looks into my eyes and says, "You fuckin pathetic, worthless, no good, stupid ass, bitch." He hits me for 8 minutes before stopping then punches me in my stomach. He said, "Get the fuck out of my sight." I run up to my room crying. Emily looked at me and asked, "What's wrong?" I stayed quiet.

Emily's POV:

I go and sit by her knowing she won't answer. She looked at me and I wiped away the tears and asked again, "What's wrong?" She finally said, "My crush doesn't like me." I put my arm around her and tryed to comfort her. Damn she is hot. I want to kiss her so bad. She looked into my eyes. It was amazing.

Chapins POV:

I looked into her eyes and instantly got butterflies. I realized her arm was around me. Emily's eyes are amazing. Her blue eyes are to die for. I want to kiss her. Wait hold up. Did I just say I wanna kiss my best friend? Wow. I said, "I am tired." We go and lay down and I slowly fall asleep. Band really wore me out. The freshman can't march.

Emily's POV:

She is so cute asleep. I am too scared to tell her. Tomorrow we have school. I should fall asleep. I put my arm around her and pulled her close and said, "Good night Chapin." To my surprise she said, "Goodnight Emily." I fell asleep after that.

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