#SheWantsTheDrake [Chapter 15]

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Alexandra sat in a computer chair and watched Aubrey sit and type on his phone as music played in the background. She watched him perfect what made him so unique and was so attractive to her. He was into whatever he was rapping and Alexandra smiled. He looked up from his phone and smiled back at Alexandra. She didn't say much to Aubrey because she didn't want to disrupt his work and she was so proud of him. He heard a song dedicated to her and she also saw how he would prepare songs for whole verses by just making a noise. She also didn't feel good and since they were in the studio at 4 AM alone, Alexandra went to sleep on the studio's couch. When Aubrey was done he kneeled down and watched Alexandra sleeping for a few minutes. She looked so peaceful. All he wanted to see was her at peace even if she was unconscious. He needed her to be at peace. After a few minutes of watching, he pulled a piece of hair from her face and Alexandra opened her eyes to Aubrey's smile.

Aubrey: Hey, are you ready to go home?

Alexandra shook her head and Aubrey helped her up. Alexandra had told him earlier that she wasn't feeling good and she felt like she was getting sick from something so he kept a close eye on her even though she had initially requested to be left alone. Their night consisted of dinner and the studio, a typical date night even if some of Aubrey's friends were with them at the studio. A bodyguard walked out with Aubrey and Alexandra and Alex rested her head on Aubrey's shoulders as they walked. Aubrey chose to sit in the back seat with Alexandra. She laid on his chest as he sat upright.

Aubrey: You've been so quiet since you got back from the doctor's today.

Alexandra: There's just been a lot on my mind. I'm just trying to process and adjust everything. I'll be fine in a week or so.

Alexandra let the beats of Aubrey's heart relax her. She started to drift off to sleep.

[In Her Mind]

Some time in the future, Aubrey and Alexandra were in their mansion. They were both in the living room and Aubrey was holding a baby boy while he's on the floor. Alexandra admired them both from the couch with a smile. The baby boy had peachy, soft skin with curly brown hair and big grey eyes. He looked more like Aubrey and had Alexandra's features. The baby was dressed in a black OVO toddler crew neck, black pants and baby Jordan's.

Aubrey (holding the baby over him, smiling): Daddy loves you.

He kept tickling the baby boy and he giggled, warming Alexandra's heart to see them. He was so happy. The baby looked happy. All she could wish for was for the three of them to remain a team and a family she was perfect with the circumstances. And Aubrey looked happier than ever. It was like he had a glow. The dream's main purpose was to see how an alternate universe would look with a child added to Alexandra and Aubrey's lives.

[In The Car]

Alexandra woke up. She was on the bed still fully dressed as Aubrey began to get ready to get a few hours of sleep. When he walked out of his closet, cutting the light off, Alexandra sat up. Aubrey climbed onto the bed, climbing onto Alexandra. Aubrey kissed her.

Aubrey: I love you, Lex.

Alexandra dropped her head and Aubrey lifted it back up.

Aubrey (looking deep into her eyes): I do love you. And I'd do anything to keep you with me. I'm so glad you're safe.

Alexandra smiled. She felt safe. Even though she was still vulnerable, Aubrey was the only person that she could remotely open up to. His soft skin against hers made her forget about anything that was troubling her. It made her forget about everything negative that happened. Aubrey hugged Alexandra and she began to cry in his arms. He held her on his chest until she was finally able to speak.

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