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Chapter 6


Armin's pov.
Chaos that's what happened! A new beginning of Disaster. Lives we're lost over the failure of the Female Titan. Can we really say it's a step closer to true freedom? We live and die out simple as that,will it all end!? I shrugged thinking how we may never be what we should be. A few hours have passed from the tragedy that we encountered. I stand at a cemetery with my close friends Mikasa and Eren. All of those lives lost and for what,nothing! "Armin, sacrifices are needed"as Mikasa shrugged. Even if so,it's just not right! "Of course it's not right, they had Dreams-a glimpse of Eren's scouts dream-. They didn't decide to die,we're not food and hell we're not puppets either! I'M GOING TO KILL THEM ALL!EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!" I slowly call Eren's name as I watch tears flow out of his eyes while hearing him shout"Not just Dreams we're crushed,families and hope we're as well! Dammit All! I shout out Eren's name as he tries to walk off until- Mikasa grabs hold of his hand. With a satisfied tone Mikasa told Eren "We all lost the ones that dear most,let's not lose what we have left".

Mikasa Pov.

I look Eren in the eyes realizing his confusion. I hold him close to me as I as well start to shed tears. "I'm sorry Mikasa,but we need to start now,we still have bodies to find and bury." Right sorry as I said while blushing. We head back to the city, reassuring bodies we're everywhere. Building we're destroyed and fires we're made. Armin looked around and asked where to start until we found a young girl covered in blood near some bodies. "Mom,Dad wake up,aren't we going to celebrate my birthday.Please wake up. You promised Mom.... Dad....". Her parents we're crushed against buildings leaving traced of their bodies scattered. "Her parents are..." as Arm in whispers..All I'm able to do is watch the girl cry,terrified I am to see a similar image of myself as when I was younger. I stare at Eren seeing nothing in his eyes but pure anger. I say in my head "Is this really life". Before I had a chance to say anything to the young girl,Armin suggested we move along. "I'm unsure if our aware but our new plan to take wall Maria has changed" as Armin points out. How exactly did it changed? "There's a mountain landscape near by that Hasn't been examined". So in other words it's risky and unsafe. After all it makes sense since our last expedition route was overrun and cleared off. Its the only chance we have if we want to make it to the basement even knowing how risky it may be. "We walked over to the spot where Annie first crystallized herself but a even bigger amount of destruction was caused. A tent near by was Hanjie herself with some other scouts trying to aid the injured. "Well when that expedition comes I'm not going to hold back" As Eren shouted. "Neither are we Eren" as Armin pointed out. Eren take it easy, you just got out of the hospital as I notice him shaking. "I'm fine Mikasa you don't have to wor- from that moment Eren collapsed. I try to awake Eren but I see him getting pale but yet I panicked and was speechless. We have to take him to Hanjies tent immediately! As I shouted. "Leave it to me Mikasa" as Arm in said. I close my eyes for a quick second while trying to control myself. Well at least until I hear squirming. I immediately open my eyes and I see Armin struggling to pick up Eren. I drastically carried both Eren and Armin while hustling to Hanjies tent.


I wonder if Eren is going to be fine. I stand outside of the tent with Armin waiting for the results. What if Eren was gone. What what happen to us. I scattered feelings all over thinking of only Eren. As soon as Hanjie walked in through the door we asked about Eren. "Eren should be fine,but there's a problem. There's a severe injury Eren has taken that the Titan regeneration ability cannot heal". What do you mean it's not regenerating? "EREN'S Titan ability allows him to heal in a short amount of time but over the fight with Annie,Eren may have been hit by something that not even his ability can heal". "Hanjie,brings up a good point. Annie's abilities are still unknown, a pierced hit can surely be a problem" as Arm in said. So Eren may never heal?I shrugged. "I'm going to study Eren's injury more and learn what it was for a cure" as Hanjie said walking off. I sit with Armin waiting for Eren. "Mikasa whatever happens at the landscape let's-" Armin! Nothing is going to happen to us. "But what if-" Were going to be just fine! I cover myself with my scarf not wanting to think what would happen if I lost what I still have. Eren I will protect you at all cost even if I have to give my life away.

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