Chapter 7: Part 2 |Chelsea|

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“It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.”

-     Emilie Autumn



When I got home ... no one was home.

I figured everyone was at work still. I went straight for the kitchen humming some One Direction song as I looked through the fridge.

"Hi Chel-" My grandpa's voice said from the kitchen arch way, making me jump with my hand over my heart as I turned to look at him. "Oh My God." I huffed with my mouth in an 'O'

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.." He smiled as he walked into the kitchen, he had a larger nose than most and his hair was almost all gone in the middle of his head, he took a seat on a stool that sat in front of the kitchen island.

"How was school?" He asked as he reached, pulling an orange out of the basket that sat a couple of inches away from him. I gave him a slight smile as I watched him peel the orange.

Everday after my mom would finish with my homeschooling, she'd rush to get ready for work and that's when my grandpa would take over with keeping me company, we'd sit in the kitchen and just talk about any and everything. He'd reach into the fruit basket that usually sat on our dining room table that was also located inside the kitchen and he'd peel the orange and then he'd split it with me. But that was when we lived in a small 4 bedroom, 1 floored house and I was homeschooled. this place was a lot bigger though and now that I go to actually school, I feel like Iv hardly seen my grandpa, even though it's only been about 3 days. Now we had a dining room, and an upstairs.

"It was fine."I answered.

before I could say anything els there was a knock at the door.

I looked to my granpa..

He looked to me. .

I looked to him..

He looked to me..

"O.k. .  I'll get it, I guess." I said as I rounded the island and went out the arch way and into the living room.

I opened the door to Dex.

"You're early.." I said. He nodded,"I said after school, Didn't I." He said leaning in my doorway, "Acuay you don't realy say-" I started. "You gunna invite me in? or what." He interrupted. I looked past his shoulder momentarily before noticing the black motorcycle in my driveway. My eyes widened, "Is that yours?" I asked, a little shocked.

He looked back, following my eye towards the motorcycle. "Yea.." He said before inviting himself in, brushing past my shoulder. I turned, closing the door, my grandpa stood their with his arms crossed and an amused look on his face.

"Oh..-Hey-Grandpa." I said awkwardly. "Hi. Chelsea.." He said raising his eye brows and the same string of awkwardness in his voice. Who is this?" He asked nudging his head towards dex. "Uh.Ah.Declan, Sir." Dex said holding his hand out for my grandpa to shake.

"Why are you here, boy?" My granpa asked.

"Grandpa!" I shot.

Dex smiled, "We have a project to do.. That's all." He said, crossing his arms like my grandpa had. My grandpa cocked his head and narrowed his eyes, "O.K.. where just gunna go up to my-" I started before my grandpa leveled his head back to normal..

"To The Living room.." I corrected. My grandpa nodded, "C'mon.." I said subtly to dex as I lead him into the living room. "Excuse the boxes and stuff.. where still moving in." I said. Dex nodded, as he watched my grandpa make his way up the steps.

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