Chapter 1

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AN: Hey lovelies! We're really excited to share this with you, it's the first book we've ever finished! We'll make this quick, since you probably won't read it anyway! This is mostly book-verse, but there are some movie-verse elements, and obvious non-canon elements. Also, Casey is taking Teresa's place, but to find out why you'll have to wait for book two! Obviously all the material in this belongs to James Dashner, we don't own anything. Anyway, enjoy! Let us know what you think!! -Alex and Katie

The sunlight burned. That's the first thing she thought when the metal bin finally opened its top to let her out. The next was where the hell was she, and how exactly did she get in this place to begin with? She could hear voices above her, but the light hurt too much for her to focus in on anything, and she just ended up backing up into one of the corners.

"Hey, it's another girl!" A thick british accent called out, and it took a minute to realize that someone had jumped down into the bin with her.

"Who are you? How'd I get here?" The girl answered back, stopping at two questions so there was time to answer them.

"Names Newt. Do you remember yours? Your name, I mean."

"Yeah... I'm Audrey. Why wouldn't I remember my own name?"

"Can you remember anything else?" Newt asked, stepping towards her and holding out a hand.
"Ye-- no. Why is that? How'd I get here?"

"We can answer more questions once we get you out of the box, c'mon." He offered his hand again and waited for her to take it. "Nothing to be scared of anymore. The glade is safe."

"The what now?" Audrey asked, her eyes finally adjusting to the light as she takes his hand.
"The Glade. It's what we call our home." He smiled before helping her out of the box, up to where everyone seemed to have gathered for the boxes arrival.

"I am so confused." Audrey mumbled, looking around at the group of teenager staring at her. The group seemed to be composed of about seventy five percent boys, and none of them looked familiar. Audrey's heart started to pound in her chest. What happened? Where was she? Who was she?

"Hey Greenie."

"Another girl, finally!"

"I call dibs!"

"Enough." A deep voice echoed to Audrey's left, silencing the whole group. "She's scared enough as it is, she don't need you slintheads making her feel any more uncomfortable." Audrey turned to see a broad, dark-skinned boy, around seventeen or eighteen, with kind eyes, but a strong grimace on his face.

"Sorry Alby."

"Sorry Greenie."


"Okay wait," Audrey started, taking in her surroundings a little more. "Who the hell are you? What the hell is a Greenie, and why does pretty boy here have an accent and the rest of you don't?"

"That's a new one.." Newt chuckled, looking over at Alby. "We'll answer all your questions, let's just go with Alby to the Homestead and talk there."

"Homestead?" Audrey asked, before shaking her head and just following behind the boy everyone else seemed to listen to.

"I'm Alby, I kinda run things here. Pretty boy there is Newt, and second in command." Alby started to explain on the walk, and Audrey tried to pay attention as they walked into a small building with a ton of mattresses. "And you're a Greenie. It's what we call newbies."

"Okay... And where are we? At first I though since.. Newt had an accent we must be in Europe somewhere.."

"No, well maybe."

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