Chapter 9

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AN: We've decided since its Christmas, that we'll be uploading a chapter per day.... possibly until New Years. So enjoy! :) ~Katie 

It was nearly dinner time. Audrey washed her hands and made her way over to the tables. She smiled, thinking about her rendezvous with Newt earlier that day. They had been late coming back, but no one seem to question her about it. Newt on the other hand, probably got told off by Alby. He wouldn't have cared though, it was worth it.

She felt a body slide onto the bench beside her, a mop of blonde hair falling onto her shoulder. "Alby is such a shucking idoit. He won't stop teasing me about it." He mumbled into her shoulder, eyes closed. 

"Better he teases you about it then punishes you." She smiled, leaning her head on top of his gently. "How was your afternoon?" 

"Boring. I finished my rounds and had another meeting with Alby about Chuck. He's a slopper right now, but he seems to be failing at even the easiest of tasks. I had to try and teach him the whole rest of the day." Newt groaned, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. "He still isn't really getting it though."   

"Maybe he's still scared, he's only been here two and a half weeks. The griever still scares the crap out of me at night. And I'm pretty sure that you, Minho and Thao aren't as use to them as you'd like me to think you are. Give him a bit, he's young, confused and scared." 

"You're always so bloody nice to everyone." Newt huffed, obviously not totally agreeing with her little speech.

"I do my best." She laughed, as frypan brought out the food. "I'll go get us some food."

"Thanks." He dropped his head to the table, his hair spreading around him. Audrey quickly grabbed some food for the pair of them, and brought it back to their table. "You're the best." He mumbled, finally lifting his head off the table.

"How's your leg?" Audrey asked him through a mouthful of potatoes.

"Bloody fantastic, thanks for asking." He shot back.

"You're really in a mood today, aren't ya." Audrey shook her head, gently leaning against him. "Grumpy Newt isn't much fun, and he's usually pretty mean. I like Happy Newt much better. Any chance of him coming back soon?" She asked quietly, hoping the answer would be yes. 

Newt sighed and ate a few potatoes before nodding his head. "Maybe, as long as I get to hang out with you and avoid Chuck for the rest of the night." He mumbled, wrapping his arm around her and looking towards the doors. "They should be coming back any minute, especially if they want dinner."

A few minutes later Ben came in, and grabbed three plates of food, before disappearing out the door again. "Strange." Audrey mumbled, trying to get up.

"Leave it, they're probably just working in the map room." Newt told her, grabbing her hand and pulled her back down to the bench. "It's not all fun and games out there."

"Yeah, I got that far, thanks." She laughed, not letting go of his hand. "What's tonight's bonfire look like?"

"A lot of Gally's juice, and a lot of kissing." Newt informed her, finishing off his dinner. "C'mon, let's go get it started."

"Which bit? The bonfire, drinking Gally's awful concoction, or kissing?" Audrey smiled, deciding that she's going to try to cheer Newt up as much as possible tonight. 

"Two of the three sound less fun than the other one." Newt shook his head, kissing her cheek before stacking up their plates and getting up, dragging her behind him. 

"Okay, I knew you liked Gally's juice, but I definitely thought I was better at kissing then it tasted." Audrey joked once Newt had placed the dishes at the front counter and they had made their way out to get the bonfire started.   

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