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----------------------------------------------------------------Intro ----------------------------------------------------------------

Super _Dawnstorm

I pulled my bag over my shoulder stepping out of the terminal. That flight was long . I had to sit next to an old lady visiting some of her grand children .

I had to admit some of them were nice looking but I got to hear 5 hours of her marvelous storytelling. I rushed out as soon as that flight was over .

I spun around looking for my aunt and uncle . I spotted them after a couple of minutes. My aunt had cut her hair a lot shorter than I was used to .

"Cherry !" she cried out pulling me into a hug. I gave my uncle a smile knowing he wasn't the hugging type. He smiled back.

"Oh kiddo I love your hair brunette " she complimented . It was 4 years ago since I dyed my hair caramel brown the first time.

"Thanks , I love yours short " I said to her happily. She pulled me into a hug once more . Wow you know it's been awhile since you didn't know about your aunt's hug obsession.

"Let me get your bags " she said reaching out and picking up my one suitcases. Aunt Kathy was one original person. She had a perky personality that I didn't remember .

I jumped into the back seat of their car taking my draw-string bag off . I grabbed my beats placing them on my head drowning out the noise.

I love my aunt and uncle . I really do ,they live in the most amazing candy factory with their 2 children . But I want to be in Connecticut with my family, not in Colorado with my extended family.

I only had an older brother who was currently in Florida at college . I wish he would have taken me with him .

"So Cherry It's been so long since we actually talked wanna tell us a little about yourself and what you're into ?" she asked politely.

Not wanting to be rude I slipped off my beats . " I love music and baking of course " I said to them . Baking is a family skill. Everyone is in it , everyone makes a living off of it , and everyone enjoys it .

Don't get me wrong I love baking but my parents are constantly pushing me to drop the " music phase" and go to culinary school just like my brother .

It was a family upholding that hasn't been broken since our family moved here from England way back then . I was expected to go to school and open a bakery in Connecticut .

My aunt was a rebel she opened a Candy factory with her husband and my cousins . It was in the same area and it was cooking so she wasn't forever shunned from the family .

About 10 minutes later we ended up at their factory. It was a nice shade of grey and very large . It had a ton of large windows that were scattered around . The inside was full of conveyer belts and candy being produced from machines .

When we climbed up a large ladder we came to the second floor . There was more machinery and a couple different doors leading to various rooms .

We climbed up to another ladder to where the bedrooms are . There were 4 doors that lead down the long and stretched out hallway . When we came to the first door It said Cherry in fancy lettering on the dark wood door .

I turned the brass handle to find a smaller room with a bed a small dresser that also acted as a nightstand and small desk that was ready for my computer . When I walked in I also noticed there were two doors that were labeled Bathroom and Closet.

Aunt Kathy set down the bags on my bed laying them out on their side . "Honey why don't you settle in and dinner will be ready for you in the kitchen. " she said to me kindly .

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