Chapter 1

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     It was next morning and I had forgotten that I was at my aunt's house. It was 7 o'clock in the morning but I didn't get up. I stayed in bed for a little longer and remembered that my cousin Cinnamon was coming. I got out of bed and got myself ready so that I don't look like a mess. I went to the kitchen to where my aunt was and she said " Good morning darling!, Did you have a good sleep." I said " Good morning auntie, and yes I had a wonderful sleep." My aunt was cooking breakfast in the kitchen and I asked " Do you need help with anything?" she said " Yes, could you set the table for me?" " Sure" I said.

During the time me and my aunt were in the kitchen we didn't even notice the door open. Someone came in and yelled my name "Cherry!, It's been so long since I had last seen you. How have you been." I turn around to see who it is and it was Cinnamon. We gave each other a big hug. "It's been almost 4 years since we last saw each other." she said. " Yeah, it has, how have you been?" I said." I've been good." "So how old are you now ?" said Cinnamon. "I'm 14 now." I said." how old are you ?" "I'm 16." Me and Cinnamon are 2 years apart from each other. We were always together when we were little. Then she moved away to Michigan and we never saw each other again.

Cinnamon was always like a big sister to me that I have nevered had. I cried a lot the day when Cinnamon left. I never left my room, and was hoping that she would come back soon but she never did. That was in the past now and is here with me. We helped my aunt in the kitchen and made breakfast,and after that we asked my aunt if we can bake cookies she said " Sure, we own a bakery. Go and bake whatever you want and have fun." " Thanks auntie." I said. Me and Cinnamon went into the bakery and baked mint chocolate chip cookies because everybody in my family loved mint chocolate chip cookies. I learned to make them in a cooking class at school. It was really fun to do.

It was about 30 minutes for the cookies to bake and we could smell them from outside the oven. " They smell so good, I love mint cookies." said me and Cinnamon. You could smell the mintyness of the cookie and the chocolate that it is combined with. "I can't wait until they cool down so that we can eat them with the rest of the family." During the time that we were waiting for the cookies to cool down my aunt came in and asked me " Are you planning to go to a Culinary Arts school when you get older?" I said "no, I don't really want to." "I don't really have any feeling for it much. It's not really my passion to bake." " It's mostly my brother who likes to do things like that." It's not that I hate baking it's just that I don't want to do that for the rest of my life.

By then the cookies were done and my aunt started to bake a cake for her bakery shop. She is really good at decorating cakes. My aunt went to a Culinary Arts school just like my mom. She went there for all 4 years to learn. That's a really long time, but during those time I think that she really enjoyed it there. Doing what she really wants to do in life. I don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I mean I enjoy doing the same thing that my family did, but I only do that when I want to. I'm only at my aunt's for the summer but once summer is over I have to go back home. My brother is in college right now so I don't get to see him very often. Before I knew it it was night time already. Me and Cinnamon talked a lot today and catched up on things since it's been forever since we seen each other.

My aunt told us to go to sleep so we did. Cinnamon slept in the same room as me since there were two beds in the room. My aunt said " Are you girls going to sleep, it's already late." I said " We are auntie, don't worry.". Even though I said that it was a lie. Truthfully me and Cinnamon were still talking to each other but almost like a whisper like tone. Sooner or later one of us fell asleep. I don't really remember who so I think it was me who went to sleep. The next morning came and we slept in till almost 11. My aunt didn't really care at all because she was still in bed herself. It was kinda like a relax day for each other at home. I woke up before everyone else because my mom called me on my phone asking how I am doing . I said " I'm doing good mom, no need to worry about me." She said " Okay at least you are doing good,I just wanted to check up on you."

Soon after that Cinnamon woke up " Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry" I said. " No, you didn't. It's fine." said Cinnamon. We got up and went to go get ready since it was almost 12 in the afternoon, and my aunt Kathy finally woke up,but my uncle was still in bed. " Yawn" Good morning girls, How was your sleep? Was it good?" said aunt kathy. " Yeah, we had a good sleep it was very relaxing. How about you auntie?" I said. " Mine was great also. So do you guys want to help me get breakfast ready for everyone?" asked aunt Kathy. " Yeah, we'll help. We will make the pancakes and french toast." said Cinnamon. " Okay, great!. I'll get the eggs and drinks ready. I'll be right back, I have to go get the oranges." said aunt Kathy Me and Cinnamon went into the kitchen to get the ingredients ready for the pancakes and eggs. " I'll do the pancakes" I said to Cinnamon. " I'll do the french toast." said Cinnamon. It has been 30 mins since we have started cooking in the kitchen. My aunt has already done the eggs and drinks. She made orange juice and chocolate milk. " Are you guys done?" asked my aunt Kathy " Yeah, we just got done" said Cinnamon "Okay, great! I'll go and wake everyone up." said aunt the  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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