Devil Doom

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It was a dark and stormy night. A shadow loomed over the city of Alzenia. Soldiers stormed down the streets, armed with their standard AK-47. People rushed inside and locked their doors. However, one house kept its doors wide open. A teen stood outside the house, holding nothing but a book. The soldiers stopped and aimed their assault rifles at him.

"What kind of world is this? Where a demon can't sit outside and read?" The teen asked. A soldier stepped forward. This soldier's eyes glew a bright red. "Hmmm...those eyes....could he be a demon?" The teen thought. "Nope...that's impossible...he would recognize me if he was." The man continued to think. The soldier smirked. "Ah, Prince Neferpitou. You did leave Azelia after all." He said. The teen nodded. "Indeed I did." He said. "Well...guess he is a demon." He thought. The demon soldier turned around and commanded the others to drop their weapons. The soldiers aimed at the demon soldier.

The teen opened his mouth and a red ball of energy formed in it. The soldiers were distracted by the demon and didn't notice the teen. The ball of energy slowly began to grow larger. The teen looked at the soldiers. "Eat...Brimstone." he said before firing a gigantic, blood red laser from his mouth. Most of the soldiers were ripped to shreds by the beam, but one had barely dodged it. "Hey you." The teen said. "Tell the king that he's next, would ya?" Yhe teen added. The soldier nodded and ran off. "As for you, general Axiol. Please, just call me Brendan." He said. The demon nodded. "As you wish...Brendan." he said. "Now come...we have much to talk about." The teen said and walked inside his home. The demon followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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