Now it gets Personal

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Blue POV : We came to the decision we're being too risky with our trades. So we'll be cooling it with the trading. After some more recordings for our song "They Know", by 2pm, we had the rest of the day just to us. Me, NaNa, Spice, and Jaguar decided to go shopping and have time just to us

NaNa : But I wouldv'e socked that b*tch in her mouth if she said something else slick

Spice : Did that give you the right to grab her by her collar and threaten her?

NaNa : *smirks*

Blue : Come on...let's scope in Sky Candy (Made up store)

I loved Sky Candy because they mixed wild, playful childish stuff to new era fashion boldness and dominance. My clique shop here ALWAYS

Blue : Block party?

Jaguar : We just have to...

Block Party is what we say when we would all grab clothes, and dress at the same time, and then all come out and see the new look.

I came out in a gold and dark blue shirt that says : "Love My Status", some black skinny jeans, and matching blue and gold flats. I put on a studded necklace that said : "Thug' on it.

NaNa wore a red and black shirt that said "I'm FRESH!" with some denim black jeans, and angel wing sneakers

Spice came out in a striped green and blue top with light blue jeans, and teal converses complimented my gold bracelets.

Jaguar came out in a sky blue-tied shirt, with a ruffle-like blue and purple skirt, and purple strapped flats

Blue : We look...amazing!

NaNa : Look at this!

Spice : Do you think i should get a different shade of this shirt?

Jaguar : Doubt it. We all look great. But NaNa and I need finishing touches

NaNa came back with pearl earrings, and Jaguar came back with cherry ones

Blue : Aight....we got it! Leggo!

Jaguar POV : We shopped at like...5 stores...and we headed back to Blue's place so we can hang out

NaNa : i got the nail polish

Jaguar : Eww

Spice : it's just nail polish!

Jaguar : But I hate it...

Blue ; i don't pass me 5 different colors

Jaguar : Rainbow are we?

Blue : *pops imaginary collar* Like a BOSS

-They all laugh-

Blue POV : There we were...painting nails...chatting...and just having fun. And I get a text...

Keep a close eye on that family of  yours. And keep a close eye on your own back. You'll need it....

-Unknown #

I texted back : "Who is this? And how did you get my #?" They replied

Sorry...can't tell you that much. Just know things can get ugly by choices you make...

I showed my friends the text. Now this is personal. They brought my family into this. This is NOT how it's going down...especially with B.L.U.E.


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