Heart 2 Heart...torn apart!

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Zonnique POV : Manny and I haven't spoken since he hit me 3 days ago. I felt so alone. So small. Yet...so betrayed. Then I get a text from Breaunna

-Text Convo-

PurpleThugginBre : Nique...

StarQuality : Yeah?

PurpleThugginBre : Can you meet me at Heaven's Garden?

StarQuality : The restaurant?

PurpleThugginBre : Yeah...can you meet me there? 4:30?

StarQuality : Um...sure. I'd be happy 2. Aight lemme get ready...

PurpleThugginBre : YAY! Thanks...aight byeeee Nique

I dressed in my huge Super 57 hoodie, low waist jeans, and my black lace up wdge trainers. I didn't feel to nice after everything so far. I lost my best friend Bahja, I'm pregnant, got kicked out the team...and got hit and left by Manny. Tough...yeah...the struggle of Zonnique Pullins

-At Heaven's Garden-

Breaunna : Zonniqueeeee!

Zonnique : Hey boo! So...why am I here?

Just at that...someone came in. Hair swishing side to side, orange timbs circling her feet. She sat right next to Bre and took out her phone, and texted. Bahja....

Breaunna : Hey Bahja

Bahja : Yo Bre

Breaunna : I wanted to get you 2 to talk

Bahja : I don't have anything to say to her

Zonnique : You know what, Bre? F*ck this. ALL of it. I tried to apologize. It was a mistake. And her stubborn a*s can't accept it and leave....

Bahja : I-

Zonnique : NO BAHJA! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I WENT THROUGH! I'VE BEEN LIVING H*LL! I'M PREGNANT, I GOT KICKED OUT OF THE TEAM, I LOST YOU AS A FRIEND, MANNY LEFT ME AND HE EVEN SLAPPED ME! I'VE BEEN ABUSED AND HURT AND LEFT ALONE ALL BY MYSELF WITH NOBODY THERE! AND ALL YOU CAN DO IS MOPE AROUND AND BASICALLY REMIND ME ABOUT MY MISTAKES! *tears coming, and her voice gets shaky* Well you know what Bahja...I don't care. Don't accept my apology. I've been through enough as it is! And none of you understand! And guess what? I don''t give a f*ck anymore

Babydoll POV : And just like that....she left

Bahja POV : I watched Zonnique pop off in front of the restaurant. I honestly felt...bad. Is this what she's been dealing with? Abuse? Pain? Pressure? And the struggle of being left to fend and support herself? I just didn't know. I didn't even realize that tears were flowing out my eyes

Breaunna : You okay Bahja?

Bahja : Me? *wiping tears* I'm fine. Just take me Zonnique

Breaunna : *smiles warmly* Can do...

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