Chapter Twenty Five: If I Never See Your Face Again

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Chapter Twenty Five: If I Never See Your Face Again


We all pulled up outside the pack house and the air in the car had changed. It was now dawning on us that we were going to hurt Adam. Then again I couldn't feel any guilt because of the way he'd treated me. we couldn't stay in the cars any longer and all climbed out, with Jesse stopping me from tripping and falling on my face. I blamed the extra baby weight.

"Easy now Hazel."

I held onto Jesse and let him lead me behind the others. This could go a number of ways. I just hoped that Adam believed us because our evidence was bullet proof.

"It's now or never Jesse."

Jesse chuckled and nudged me into the house where the others already had Adam in the lounge. Adam's eyes locked on me and I shrank back behind Jesse instinctively.

"What is she doing here guys?"

"Excuse me but 'she' has a name Mr Levine."

I hated when people referred to others in pronouns, why did Adam still have a problem with me?

"Calm it both of you, Adam sit down and stop being a prick for once. Hazel, Jake, Rachel and Mickey found out something. It will make you change your tune and you'll be kicking yourself for the way you've been treating Hazel and your children."

Matt got between us as I had moved away from Jesse and was facing Adam with only a few centimetres between us. We were both ready to get the claws out.

"I doubt you guys have anything to make me change my tune."

Adam's cockiness was a facade which faltered when his eyes travelled down my body to where my hands rested on my baby bump. Something behind his eyes softened before they hardened again. He was a typical guy who found it hard to say sorry, but I wouldn't let him off that easily.

"Hear us out Adam. Please sit down."

My words got through to him and he reluctantly sat down next to Mickey who had his laptop set up. The rest of us took seats around the room with me closest to the front door. Jesse sighed, we'd nominated him to talk first.

"I'm going to just come out and say it Adam but Behati has been playing you. You're not the father to her unborn child and we have proof. Well Hazel, Jake, Rachel and Mickey went undercover and we're just here to back them up mate."

Well that was ripping the band aid off. Adam scoffed and made eye contact with all of the guys to see if they were lying but the guys all wore the same sombre expression.

"You guys are having me on. Behati wouldn't lie; she had a DNA test and everything. This is going above and beyond to tell me you don't like her."

PJ cleared his throat and took the DNA tests off Mickey and handed them to Adam.

"Here's the DNA test you saw Adam and here's the original. She had it doctored. Turns out she knew someone, you're not the father."

Adam seemed confused and I felt sorry for him, this was a giant bombshell to drop on someone. He was going to be even more hurt when he found out who the father was.

"Then who's the father? Is it some scum bag who can't provide for her?"

Matt shook his head.

"Derek is the father Adam. She's been sleeping with Derek and he knocked her up. If you don't believe us they've had multiple meetings with Jake and Hazel recorded."

Matt motioned for Mickey to play the recordings before Adam could say anything. All I could do was watch Adam's change of emotions as he heard the women he thought was carrying his child admitting to Derek that she was using Adam to give the hunters information while providing her child with a better life. His face went through the motions, anger and rage soon turned to hurt and sadness. He'd been played by Behati and the hunters while treating the rest of us like shit along the way.

Bitten by Adam Levine (Adam Levine) (Maroon 5 Fic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now