Chapter 6!!!

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this is the last chapterr I'm posting today so I can get started posting my Christian Beadles story soon! Yay! Lol


At the beach

Justin: *walks to the water with Chloe while holding her hand*

Chloe: it's so pretty

Nikki: *holding Chaz's hand* I agree

Chrissy: *walking with Ryan* mee too

Justin: *runs out until the waters up to his waist*

Chloe: is it cold?

Justin: come feel for yourself

Chloe: ... I'm good...

Justin: fine it's a little cold

Chloe: *walks out to justin* it's not that bad

Chaz: *runs out* common guys!

Ryan, Nikki, + Chrissy: *run out*

Justin: *splashes Chloe*

Chloe: your so in for it! *laughs then accedentally splashes Nikki*


everyone: *splashing eachother*

It goes on for a good hour and a half

Everyone: *walks back to the beach*

Justin: I packed a picnic lunch for eveyone

Chloe: really?

Justin: no... But I'm buyin, whatever you guys want...

Chloe: ummm... What about- do you guys hear that?

Chaz: *looks around* what is that

Chrissy: heck if I know


Justin: oh no... Run! *runs, FAST*

Everyone: *runs*

Chaz: *twists his ankle nd falls*

Chloe: *stops and runs to help Chaz*

????: JUSTIN!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Chaz: run it's fans!

Fan girl: *pushes Chloe into the ground really hard*

Chloe: *falls on her arm and screams then crys of pain*

Justin: *hears Chloe scream* oh sh*t *turns around and runs back to her*

Fans: *start attacking him*

Justin: STOP!!!

Fans: *back up*

Justin: you guys are out of control!!! Now go home!!! All of you!!! Before somebody gets hurt!!! (too late)

Fan Girl: just sing One Time first... Please?

Justin: fine... *sings One Time*

Girls: *scream*

Justin: now go home

Fans: *walk off the beach*

Justin: *runs over to Chloe* you ok?

Chloe: *crying* I got slammed into the ground *holds arm* I think she broke my arm...

Nikki: *runs over to Chaz* you ok?!?

Chaz: I just twisted my ankle... It's a sprain at the most... *sits up*

Justin: Chloe thinks she broke her arm!!!

Everyone: *runs over to them*

Chloe: *crying* it hurts Justin

Justin: I know... Can you sit up?

Chloe: *uses one arm to push herself up nd sit up*

Justin: *helps her stand up* we should probably go to the hospital... You guys can go home if you want

Ryan: I'll do whatever the girls want to

Chaz: same here

Nikki: I have to watch my brother so I kinda has to go home

Chrissy: and I have to go help my mom take care of my grandma... Sorry Chlo...

Justin: I'll take her then I'll call you guys after.

Everyone: *walks to they're cars*

Justin: *helps Chloe get in the car then gets in the car*

Chloe: *puts her seatbelt on and looks at Justin* no seatbelt?

Justin: *steps on he gas* what? oh right!!!!!! *puts his seatbelt on* (retard)

At the hospital

Doctor: well your arms definitely broken Chloe

Chloe: perfect...

Later that night

Justin: I'm sorry bout your arm Chloe...

Chloe: stop apologizing it's not your fault

Justin: it is though

Chloe: it's really not, so please stop apologizing

Justin: can I at least be the first person to sign it?

Chloe: fine

Justin: *signs it* now read it!

Chloe: ok, don't be so assertive *laughs and looks at her cast* I love you with all my heart <3- Justin awwwww... Justin *smiles* I love you too

Justin: I hoped that you'd say that

End of Chapter 6


Authors note: chapter 7 is ready but I need more views b4 I can post it just cuz my book isn't very popular yet and soon I'll be posting my new story called I'm in love with doctor stalker cool title right! Lol so thanks again (ur name here) for reading!!!

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