Chapter 13

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True Love Gone Bad Chapter 13

~Chloe's Pov~

Justin: *laughing* yeah when we go home we should sooooo go there!

Chloe: ... Justin do you think it would be ok if I went home for the week? I mean I just really miss my mom... Plus she still doesn't know...

Justin: I don't think you should go by yourself, I'll get Kenny to go with you

Chloe: no, you need him more than I do... I'll be fine, I'll probably just stay with Nikki or something... I promise I'll be fine...

Justin: well we can go back in 2 weeks

Chloe: well it's my moms birthday that's really the only reason that I wanted to go this week...

Justin: I guess we can

Chloe: no I wanna go by myself Justin... Only cause I don't want you to feel awkward around me n my mom all week...

Justin: fine... I guess you can go... But at least take Kenny

Chloe: no! Justin I won't need Kenny! You'll need him, what if you get attacked by a fan?

Justin: fine...

Chloe: Justin... Don't worry about me...

Justin: I have to... Your my pregnant girlfriend...

Chloe: shhhhhhhhh... With the p word does scooter even know yet?

Justin: no... Well... Ugh... I'm not tellin him yet...

Chloe: I'm not either! He's not my manager!

Justin: ...

Chloe: *gets up and grabs her suit case* will you help me pack?

Justin: *nods and walks over to her* you know I love you right?

Chloe: *smiles* yes... You know I love you too right? *grabs a t-shirt*

Justin: yes I do, *smiles back at her*

Chloe: *kisses him* you no that there's always gonna be somebody out there that loves you, me...

Justin: *smiles*

Chloe: *grabs a few pairs of pants and shoves them in the suitcase*

Justin: ya know shoving won't make them fit? *smiling*

Chloe: your a little smart *** today aren't you?

Justin: *looks down then back up while smiling* I'm gonna remember that

Chloe: *smile fades off her face* oh sh*t...

the next day

Chloe: *walks inside* Justin I'm back! *drops her purse and runs over to Justin*

Justin: *all bloody and not moving*

Chloe: *crying* JUSTIN! *shaking him* JUSTIN! *crying really hard* ANSWER ME! *grabs her phone and dials 9*

Justin: *jumps up*

Chloe: *screams*

Justin: that'll teach you for calling me a smart ***!

Chloe: *crying really hard* you scared me! Why would you do that!

Justin: I'm sorry... I didn't mean it I was only kidding...

Chloe: *crying her eyes out*

Justin: *hugs her* calm down... I'm fine... Chill...

Chloe: *not crying as hard*

True love gone bad a Justin bieber love story <Discontinued>Where stories live. Discover now