Chapter 3

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{Marco's POV}

"This has nothing to do with your lack of friends, Diaz," I murmured to myself, "This is just a phase, just a phase." I looked down at my red, bruised arm. "Where is Star with some food?" No sooner than I said that, Star walks in with a turkey and cheese sandwich. "You okay, Marco?" she asked me, holding out the sandwich, "You seem funny. I grabbed the sandwich and took a huge bite of it. "No, I'm fine, Star," I said, "Nothing's wrong."
"Well, I gotta go to class before I'm late. Bye Marco."
"Bye Star. Thanks for the sandwich."
"Your welcome."
Then she left and I was lonely again. I sat there, staring at my arm, wondering why I did what i just did.

{Star's POV}

"Marco is acting really weird today," I thought to myself, "Maybe he wants to ask out Jackie!" Without thinking, I ran back to the janitors closet and threw open the door. Marco looked at my confused. "Cone on, Marco," I said. "Huh?" he asked.
"Your gonna go ask out Jackie."
"I'm what!?"
"You heard me let's go."
I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the closet.

{Marco's POV}

I honestly never agreed to this, but I think it is time. I've liked her since preschool for goodness sake! As Star dragged me over to where Jackie was, I started thinking, What if I don't like Jackie as much as I used too? I mean, she is still my crush but, i just don't know. "Hi Jackiee!" I heard Star shout. "Oh, hey Star! Hey Marco!"
"Jackie, Marco wants to ask you sonethiiing!"I looked around and scratched the back of my neck. I took a deep breath and then said it. "Hey, J-Jackie, I was w-wondering if you w-would go o-out with me some-sometime."
Gosh I sounded like an idiot.

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