Chapter 5

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{Marco's POV}

I locked myself in my room and sit on my bed. I reach my hand under my pillow and pull out a pair of scissors. The sharp part of the blade touched my wrist as I dug it into my skin until blood oozed out of the cut. I cried a little bit, but not much. "Nobody can find out about this." I murmured to myself as I made a new cut. Then I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I jumped under my bed.

{Star's POV}

When I arrived home I automatically assumed Marco would be in his room, so that is the first place I looked for him at. I knocked on the door. "Marco, are you in there?" No answer. I checked and saw it was locked. "Mrs Diaz how do you unlock Marco's door?!" I shouted. "There's a key on top of the door ledge, Star."
"Thank you!"
I grabbed the key and fiddled with the lock until it opened. When it finally unlocked, I walked into Marco's room. "Marco?" I walked around, looking for him. Then I heard something more under his bed. I checked. "Hi Marco."
"Hey Star," he said glumly.
"What are you doing under there?"
"Escaping life."
"Because of Jackie?"
"No." He crawled out from under his bed. "Um, Marco, what is that?" I looked at his arm with three red lines on his wrists.
"Who gave them to you?"
"I did."
"With what?"
"These." He reached under his bed and pulled out a pair of scissors with dried blood on the blades.
"Who did you do this?"
"Because, Star, I'm, I'm,"


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