Part 8

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“Cheryl, get your hand out of my back pocket now!” I hissed at Cheryl. She had spoken to me this morning and as it is our two year anniversary, she said ‘It’s time to bring up the past’.

So we are at an award ceremony tonight because Girls Aloud are getting the contribution to music Brit award, and just like before, Cheryl’s hand is still in my back pocket….

As the cameras click away, I wrapped my arm around Cheryl, only difference is unlike before… Everyone already knows about me and Cheryl…

As we are standing posing for pictures, i leaned my head slightly towards Cheryl’s and say “Is Everything that we have done, gonna happen again tonight?”

She turned her head towards me with an evil glint in her eye and said ”Everything….” she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek and I blushed. Suddenly a man started shouting.

“Kimberley! What is that on your neck?” I quickly shot my head back to its front position to attempt to cover the love bite…. 

The camera shots were now going wild and I was blushing beyond belief. Cheryl whispers in my ear “Ohh come on baby! They already know who gave you it, so why hide it?” I could feel her smile again my neck.

“Kimberley and Cheryl….  Just give us all what we want to see, then you can go in peacefully!” I looked at the man in shock…. As if me and Cheryl would do something as intimate as that in front of a camera!.... Unless it has the title ChimCam which is for our eyes only….

Suddenly I felt a hand on my face pulling my head around to face Cheryl’s. She looked lovingly into my eyes and said “ChimCam is on the paparazzi…” I looked down a bit at her lips and seen the little red puffs sweetness moving forward to my own and before I knew it, our lips were joined in a passionate kiss.

I heard all the cameras clicking and most likely they were all aiming at us trying to get that perfect winning picture that would make them a very, very rich person….

Her lips tasted of cherry which was that wonderful lip balm she knows I love so much, which can only mean one thing… Everything that happens tonight is part of her plan…

I feel her tongue start to move around my lips and I eventually give on to her demands and let her tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues meet in the middle and dance around each other and I know that everyone else knows where her tongue is because as soon as it enters, I can hear the whole audience to this passionate scene, whistling, Sarah being one of the main culprits.

I wanted to stay like that forever but even forever has to end and my love pulled away. She pressed her forehead gently onto mine and whispered “I love you” she gently patted my cheek and looked back around at the camera and gave everyone that winning smile…. My winning smile…. And I could do nothing but smile along with her….

Four hours later and me and the other girls were sitting around a table with our golden a Brit award sitting in the middle of it at the after party…

“Wow let’s get the drinks in ladies!” that could only be Sarah….

We all took a colourful drink each and Sarah stood up to make a speech.

“Well ladies, we’ve been popstars for ten years.... May we always make great music, and stay forever friends...” we all raised our glasses and in one gulp all our liquids were once again gone...

Cheryl grabbed my hand and pulled me up off my chair... “Come on baby... Let’s dance...” I could only smile and nod my head as she showed her puppy eyes, not that she needed to because I love dancing with that sexy frame of hers....

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