First A Snapshot

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First A Snapshot

Song: Lump Sum - Bon Iver


A new place a new life. Therefore I have had eight lives and I'm on my ninth! If I'm anything like a cat it would mean this is my last life. I need to make it count.

My name is Sophie Childs I am now twenty-two years old currently living alone. I have two older brothers, one of them is twenty-four, that's Matt and then Cody is twenty-nine, I lived my sixth life with him in and his fiancée Olivia Wilson, she's beautiful.

I had a significant other once as well, but that's exactly why I'm on my ninth life.

Right now though as a dozen cardboard boxes sat on my new kitchen table my fingers tingled for an action that was certainly not prying open tightly sealed cardboard.

A snapshot. Both my brain and body felt a connection and passion towards the captivating still shots that held all the memories and emotions that even our human brains could not.

A photograph could tell you so much if only you understood it's language.

My eyes darted around the room before I was quick to make my decision, snatching up my shoulder bag from a chair and wrapping a warm red scarf loosely around my neck.

I hastily made my way down the apartment building stairs and to the parking area. My light blue scooter stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the sleek black cars.

I swung my leg over and started it up, the familiar buzz echoed and I was off. My scarf trailed behind. Me like a beacon in the wind as my eyes searched.

Each time I blinked I visualized the camera snapping a photo maybe if I trained my mind I could save them on my memory.

Before long I came to a stop, pulling into parkland. Perfect.

Even with the city life buzzing around the trees swayed so peacefully in the wind, it could make anyone forget their worries. Fortunately for me photography was my antidote, it kept me sane. My plan was to pursue it as a career rather then a hobby, I'd had a few jobs here and there but not enough to pay the rent.

I unlatched my shoulder bag and slowly pulled out the smooth black canon camera. Lifting the strap over my neck as a reassurance and un capping the lens. I moved away from my scooter walking along the paved path lifting the camera up every now and then.


I found my self a comfortable looking park bench in the sun and flicked back through the few photos I had just taken, mostly of trees, flowers or the autumn leaves that fell onto the pathway

I smiled lightly, I loved autumn and the warm photos that came along.

One photo to far. It was a mistake and I wish I had deleted it like a forgotten memory but I knew I would never forget him. It had been Sophie and James against the world, two big smiles proved that fact to be true. This photo was one of those rare times I had allowed someone else to use my camera. I clicked next again, it was like I was trying to punish my self as I found my hands laced around his neck and his pulling me close from my back, lips touching with a beautiful mountain view background. Typical couple photo.

I stared at it longingly, loosing track of time but the buzzing of my phone brought me back to reality. I stopped flicking through photos and drew my iPhone from the pocket of my jacket. A call, I quickly unlocked my phone and answered.


"Is this Sophie Childs?" said a young females voice from the other side of the line

"Yes that me" i anserwed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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