Vampires, Fairies, and Battery Artifacts

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This actually isn't a continuation from the last chapter.

So in this dream I was a vampire I believe, it was late at night and I was being a bit reckless the night the cops were out. I knew they were looking for me, but I wasn't worried because I knew my werewolf friend would back me up. So a cop car stopped right as I was walking into the street and just as it was looking like trouble, my werewolf friend came over and bashed the side of the car so it flipped over and he told me to run, so I did.

It was as I was running that the derpy police were now really sophisticated vampire hunters.

Like some anime teen vamp hunters, the main reckless guy started chasing after my werewolf friend before he realized I was the target, so he turned to chase me but I was already extremely far ahead of him so I had confidence I was gonna escape this night. Then I heard someone say like "blahblah, I'm gonna have you finish this one up" I can't remember names for the life of me in dreams. So as I'm bounding down this patch of grass, this guy with spike-ish red hair and a long black trench coat/ jacket that went down to his feet with his hands in his pocket calmly came out of the buses and said "Gotcha". Knowing there was no way I could avoid him and escape, I just grinned and said "You sure Fuckin did." Then he flashed a blinding light at me and it converted me to bat form, then while I was a bat on the ground he walked over and scooped me up in a jar. Then I remember traveling in a car in the jar and shaking around a lot in it.

Now I remember this next part with a lot of detail. After that I remember waking up slowly and groggily hearing mumbling, after I woke a little bit more I could clearly hear the voices of the man who captures me, and a high-pitched girl. Then I jumped to the back of the jar as I saw the huge face of the guy looking into the jar. "Woah easy little buddy, I don't wanna hurt you." He said softly as he tilted the jar so I was sitting on the side of the inside now. "Oooh is that him? Can I see him?" The high-pitched voice came from behind him. I got scared of this and scooted back a little farther. The guy gave me a patient smile, "you ready to come out now?" I hesitated but nodded, he then tilted the jar so I fell onto my but in his hand. I was a little fairy boy with an orange glow, darkish orange pants and with pinkish skin and fiery blond spiked hair. Looked great ^-^ The girl fairy who wanted to see me was sitting in a tiny chair on the counter. She had more of a light green glow and was wearing a more transparent bluegreen dress with pale skin, and her sparkling white hair was pulled into a bun. "This is your new friend, and possible boyfriend." He whispered the last part XD weird because I'm obviously not a boy, but it was really cool though, and seemed so real. So then I seem to remember having on a fake face made of white fabric, and I had some black hair also cut out of fabric, that made me look like a puppet, and I actually was a puppet. Well, I was a doll now, and bigger than a fairy. So this little girl with blond hair came up to me while this same guy was was holding me in his hands, and she asked me "What color is your hair?" and without thinking I said "Blond." because I thought that's what it still was, but then her smile turned to an instant frown as the guy holding me whispered "Her father had blond hair." I then immedientaly realized my mistake and corrected myself "I mean I have black hair, see?" and I picked up a strand of the fabric. And she smiled again :) Then I remember talking to the guy about showing the girl my real skin or something? And I was afraid she wouldn't like me of she found out I wasn't this perfectly white, black haired neat doll. But he said it was okay, so I walked in there, human sized, and I took off the whole face like it was a helmet, kinda reminded me of the paper maché head I'm making. And the girl was really shocked, there was a mirror behind her and I looked at myself and I kinda looked like a dark-skinned, but not terribly dark, Nigerian woman, with long dreadlocks mixed in with some black fabric that stuck to my hair. I immediately remembered why I hated looking at myself, because I hated my face, but when I saw that little girl smile at me, I instantly became more confident and went down to hug her. Then she said something I can't remember and I started crying on her shoulder as I was hugging her. I woke up after that, then went back to sleep with a shorter dream.

This time everything transitioned over to where I was sitting in this fancy limo, I was me again, like ME me. And I was sitting next to this guy, and I can't remember who it was but I'm pretty sure I knew him, and it felt as if I liked him. We were talking about this ancient battery artifact thing? We had about half the pieces to it and we were traveling to find the other half, I can't remember much of this dream because I woke up in the middle of it again, but my uncle Frank was the limo driver, and he is like, the best computer guy I know. So he was talking about this battery and me and the guy were sitting in front of this futuristic screen that showed a full display of half the battery pieces, and half we still needed. Something happened after that, that made the whole limo stop, and then.... I woke up from my sister violently shaking me..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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