Freedom isnt what it seems

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Shilly was sitting in Sociology, last lesson of the day. Eliza, Rhi and Pip were all paying attention to Mrs T as she drones on and on about identity.

Suddenly she stopped talking, eyes bulging - more than usual - as she gasped for air. The colour drained from her skin and she grasped onto the table to keep herself up. Murmurs fluttered through the class before finally someone spoke up, their voice cracking 'miss?' She held onto her throat as her eyes rolled up leading her arms to go limp, then her legs. She collapsed on the table with a surprised yelp and gasp from the children sitting around it.

Her eyes were still open, all you could see was the white of her eyeballs. Shilly and Eliza were so shocked that them and a fee others began giggling nervously. Pip stared at Mrs T 's fragile body stretched across the table in silence, his face pale. This and a few others were throwing questions everywhere 'is she okay?' 'What the fuck just happens!?' No one had the answers.

'Someone needs to check her pulse' a girl finally said, crying. This comment set off w few more people into fits of tears as they realised Mrs T could be dead.

What about her children, they were only young. Three and 10 years old.Shilly thought, she may be someone who jokes about this sort of stuff, but she has a heart.

'S-she can't be dead' Deena, a random girl from the class sobbed,  said. She was shaking terribly because she probably knew it was very likely.
'She hasn't been moving for 15 minutes.' Shilly said calmly, people looked at her with fear in their eyes, they'd only just noticed the amount of time that had passed. People began to panic, no one wanted to touch Mrs T, they were scared of the outcome so instead they sat in silence.

Everyone jumped as the bell echoed through the empty halls. It was on a timer. Everyone expected people to be rushing around and making noise outside but there was only silence. Horrid, loud silence. Eventually after more time had passed there was noise outside. Crying, screaming and yelling. Children peaked inside and the hope in their eyes drained once they saw the teacher. Shilly' s class began to evacuate the classroom, sometimes glancing at the teacher and feeling bad for leaving her there alone. They weren't strong, they weren't clever. They just couldn't touch her, let alone move her.

'SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?' Silence filled the corridor before people began answering all at the same time causing Shilly to become even angrier. 'One at a fucking time you disgusts' She growled, gritting her teeth. Suddenly Pip was crying and wailing loudly 'm-my sister..' Everyone turned to Pip 'she's dead..' Pip was holding his sister in his arms as he wailed. Everyone froze before someone piped up:

'they're all dead'

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