The realisation

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That's Arya, this part may be a bit shitty but that's because I'm watching 'I'm a celebrity, get me out of here' at the same time xD

Panic arose as they heard those words. It was the sudden realisation, the slap in the face that turned everything on their head. People knew that this could mean that their parents were dead too, no one wanted to admit this however.

"Look! Everyone! You don't know if what has happened here has happened out there. The best we can do is go and check." A guy named Eli yelled. A stampede of teenagers bolted out of the doors, fumbling over the stairs before breaking out into the open.

Car alarms, cries, screams, beeps, buzzes, horns. A whole commotion of noise penetrated their ears, children held their ears as their eyes dried from the distraction. After a while they got used to the noise but that noise was the confirmation that no one wanted. It wasn't just in the school. It was everywhere.

Instead of the usual crying and havoc, there was silence. Excruciating silence other than the noise that had blended to the background. No one has even noticed that another herd of teenagers had flocked to join them at the gates.

"Wh-what's going on" a girl whimpered next to Shilly. Shilly looked at her, she was smaller so she had to look down, the girl looked up at her with hopeful brown eyes that were just a bit darker than her hair colour. She wanted to smile and comfort her but all she could say was "I know as much as you do. Adults, teenagers.. Dead, randomly dead." Shilly looked out into the distance again, taking it all in (ayyy ;) sorry.) A small sweaty hand held tightly into hers, it wasn't much but it was very comforting to her. She looked down at their hands smiling.

"Arya" she said, holding tightly onto Shilly's hand as if she was scared she'd let go. They looked at each other, Shilly giving her a confusing look. "My name, it's Arya" she said, giving a heart warming smile. "Arya.I like that name" Shilly replied, her voice hoarse as she smiled back. It didn't seem right to smile in this situation but she couldn't help it. They held hands and looked along the street as people peeked out of their houses, terrified and confused.

"Welcome to the end of the world" someone hissed as the sun began to go down leaving a fire burning over the city at the end of the hill.

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