Confrontation {Chapter 13}

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Confrontation {Chapter 12}

Jai PoV

"Hey Dallas can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask as everyone else piles into the cars.

"Yeah sure" she answers.

"I think Demi's purging again" I breath out.

"What? I thought she said she stopped" Dallas says in confusion and helplessness.

"I know,but yesterday at that restaurant,she got helped out of the bathroom by a random woman and I asked her what was wrong and she said she was just tired. But then I gave her a kiss and I just kinda noticed it."

Dallas shakily nods,"right,we'll go back to ours and get her alone to confront her"

We trudge back to the car and we see Luke talking to Amy again. I smile at them but honestly can't be bothered with either of them now,I'm so worried about my girl. What if she's hurting herself again?

~~~~~~~~~20 Minutes Later-In Demi's Bedroom~~~~~~~~~

Authors PoV

Jai starts the conversation "we need to talk to you Dems"

Demi smiles and asks him "what?"

Dallas continues "you have to promise to hear us out...please"

"okay? What is it? You guys are scaring me now" Demi mumbles.

Jai takes a deep breath and Dallas looks at the floor.

Jai says "umm are"

Dallas grumbles "we think"

They both laugh nervously as they both said it at the same time. "guys come on" Demi says getting irritated.

Dallas whispers "are you doing it again?"

Demi laughs nervously and questions "what do you mean?" Jai says "please you still p-..."

Dallas finishes it off for him"purge?" Demi's eyes widen in shock. "What?! Are you kidding? Why are you bringing this up?" She screams. Dallas intervenes "Demi keep your voice down,Maddie's downstairs". "I don't care!" She shouts. With that,Dallas gets teary "I'm sorry Jai,this is too hard"

Jai PoV

When Dallas says that,I know she truly believes Demi is doing it. Dallas exits the room and Demi is in a fighter stance daring me to open my mouth. "Dems..." "NO DON'T EVEN GO THERE JAI. DO NOT CALL ME DEMS." I feel tears coming to my eyes,I know where this is heading. "WHY WOULD YOU BRING UP THE PAST?" "Demi...." I weakly start. "WHAT?" She roars. I've never seen her like this,so defensive,she's definitely hiding something. Something big. "I'm trying to look out for you" I say. "TELL ME HOW THAT'S WORKING OUT FOR YA" She commands. I look anywhere but her eyes,they're so dark and filled with hatred. Please don't say it. "WE ARE OVER" "what?" "NO JAI I AM DONE WITH THIS" "babygirl....." "GET OUT"


I turn around and collapse in the hallway.

She hates you.


Yes. Guess what? I'm back.....forever.

Jai PoV

It's done. She's gone. I'm so stupid. I trudge downstairs to be met by Diana (Demi's mom) who engulfs me in a hug. "I'm sorry. I'll try to get her to come around, know what she's like" she smiles sadly. "I'll just go" I say,she notices that my voice cracks in the middle of the sentence from crying. "Do you want me to drive you home?" She asks. I nod slowly,at least I won't be alone with my thoughts. "Come on kiddo" she says as she grabs her keys. "Eddie!" She shouts. He soon arrives around the corner. "I'm taking Jai home. I'll be 15 minutes" He nods,"love you" With one look at me,I think he knows what's happening and knows not to say anything.

~~~~~~~5 Minutes Later~~~~~~

Jai PoV


"No problem. I'm gonna go talk to your mom,if that's okay? Not about that though. You can tell her in your own time." We get into my house and I smile at my mom before heading straight upstairs.


The first thing I do is grab my blade,obviously. I cut more than I've ever done,probably about 12 times on each arm and then put it away. I make the blood stop and then grab my phone. I scroll through my call list and find someone who I know can take my mind off things,Georgia.


Uh oh. More drama to come. Sorry Jaimi shippers.

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