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okay so this is very confusing even for me, but i swear what I am doing is what I've panned. 

So Zayn has a problem where he refuse to accept that louis is gone (he went off to uni) Zayn's mind is making it seem as if Louis left him on purpose and since he denies louis being gone, he makes up a scenario where Louis is gone forever (death) and that there was nothing Zayn can do about it. So he traveled between different mental institutes not countries, it was just his mind. The part where it says he asked around and all he got were looks of sorry from people and Louis' mom is because everyone knows about Zayn's problem.  Then the day he is released, Zayn takes a walk and stumbles into a cemetery. He finds a guy whose name is similar to Louis' (the guy's name was Louis Trank ok) so Zayn gets overwhelmed and tries to commit suicide, he ends up in the hospital in a coma for a few days. when he wakes, it is actually Louis, but then Louis ends up leaving again causing Zayn to commit again and this time it actually worked hence "goodbye..."

So that's the story 

it was fun to write ahah

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