Chapter 15

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Hannah POV
Luke growled furiously at me. "Fine. I do remember promising that I'd take it easier on you, so I'll keep my promise...this time."

"Thank you," I sighed, relaxing a little.

"Now, I realize you must be hungry. It's been about a month since you've last eaten, yeah?" Luke said slowly.


"Why don't you come with me, and I'll get you something to eat," Luke offered.

"Sure, but I can't walk," I sighed. I'm still weak and half numb from Ashton's bite.

"I'll carry you."


"I promise I won't give you any funny business," he replied seriously.


"I keep my promises, like I just showed you a minute ago."

"Fine." I do feel uneasy about this, but he does have a point. He could have easily cut me again for saying what I did about Michael, but he held back and kept his promise from before.

Maybe his sense is finally getting through to him...but I'd better not get my hopes up. I thought he was really nice before, but I was wrong about that, wasn't I?

He reached up slowly, and he un-cuffed me from the wall gently. I held his shoulders as he placed my arms there for me. He reached down and carefully took my ankles out of the cuffs on the wall. He put my legs around his hips, and he put his arm under my bum for support, his hand on my thigh.

I relaxed into his body, glad he was being less of an ass for a while.

We walked down empty hallways for a while before Luke broke the silence with his deep voice. "I'm sorry for being such an ass, Hannah. I shouldn't have cut you, but I just got so mad."

"I guess it's okay, Luke. It just hurts a lot, but you know, apologies don't fix everything," I replied softly.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I didn't get so jealous easily."

"I'm sure there are plenty of girls out there for you to try out...if you know what I mean."

"I do, but I know you personally, and I know you're a good person. I don't know very many other girls that well, and I'm scared to look."

"I have a good friend. Her name is really pretty."

"What's her name?"


"That is a pretty name. I don't know, maybe I'll check her out later, but right now we need to get you some food."

"Wait, I can barely move my fingers! How am I going to eat?" I asked him.

"Oh, uh, I didn't think of that. I guess I can get the food in your mouth for you?" Luke asked.

"Uh it's weird, but I guess that's how we're going to have to do it," I sighed.

I'm not looking forward to this.

We made our way into a large room with a long table in the middle of it. There were four chairs on each side, and one on each end. The room was completely grey, and it led into a white tiled kitchen.

There were turkey and ham sandwiches cut into perfect triangles sitting on a large white plate. Glasses of water were set up on each end of the table.

"Wow, Luke, really fancy with the eats aren't we?" I asked, laughing.

"Well I didn't exactly take cooking classes, so I did my best," he chuckled. He walked me over to the far chair, and I watched him as he took the water from the opposite end of the table and put it in a seat next to me. He pulled the chair out and sat next to me.

"So, what do you normally do around here?" I asked, curious what he does when he's not in my room.

"Well, I walk around and do the normal stuff, but I do go outside sometimes and just run around. There's not much to do," he replied, picking up a piece of a sandwich.

I opened my mouth, and he put some of the sandwich in. I bit into it, and I was surprised at how good it was. "Wow," I smiled after I swallowed. "It's actually pretty good!"

"Thanks!" He laughed. He's acting like he used to. I smiled to myself, Just how it used to be. We used to have so much fun.

He put the rest of it in my mouth, and I felt strangely full. "I think I'm full, Luke."

"I thought so. I put in an ingredient that fills you up faster. Do you want to come to the theatre? I put 'Shrek' in," Luke invited.

"Sure! I love that movie," I smiled. Anything to stay out of that room longer, I thought.

He picked me up again, and he walked me into a large room with a huge black couch. The title screen for "Shrek" was displayed on a large, white screen.

Luke sat down on the couch, and he put me beside him. He started the movie, and he picked up a large bowl of popcorn that I hadn't noticed. "Popcorn?" He asked with a mouth already full of it.

"Maybe later," I giggled.

"Suit yourself," he said, shoving another handful into his face. Through the movie, we laughed at the dumb "ass" jokes I hadn't noticed when I was a little kid. I got cold halfway through the movie, and I leaned on Luke, who put a warm arm around me.

When the movie ended, he asked if I was tired. I didn't know why, but I was. I nodded, and he picked me up for the third time today.

We went down the halls in silence, and he opened the door to a new room I hadn't been in yet. "Luke, this isn't my room," I said plainly.

"I know."

"Why am I in here?"

"I decided to introduce you to a couple new friends," he answered, sitting me down in the middle of the giant, dark room.

I looked around the floor first, and started breathing more heavily as I noticed the large, red bloodstains.

As I looked up to the walls after my eyes adjusted, I felt my mouth drop open, and a silent scream escape my mouth.
Oh no, what's in the room?
Ha-ha u have to wait until the next update!!
Oh BTW Happy Thanksgiving!

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