Chapter 19

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Michael POV
I wondered the halls after Hannah, nothing more than a ghost at the moment. I wanted to direct her, but without my body, I had no way of touching, contacting or helping her. Insomnuemia is using my body at the moment. He won't let me back in unless he gets hurt too badly to finish the fight, but then I couldn't help her for a while because I'd be too busy as I deal with Luke.

She's on her own, helpless and weak, but there's nothing I can do to protect her against anything. She's not strong enough if she runs into anyone from my pack, or another monster at that, and I hate the feeling.
It's like if you had a little sibling you loved more than anything else, but a "big kid" started to beat them up. You would want to help them, right? Ha, no. All you could do was watch like a wall, unable to move or speak to help them, so they had to try and beat them up on their own.
What if the big kid hurt them badly enough that your little sibling needed a hospital, but there was no ambulance coming? What if the big kid kept going and beat them to death?
That would hurt, wouldn't it?
...That's how I feel right now...

I followed her into the room with Ashton and Calum inside, and I almost had the same reaction as Hannah did.
I knew something like this was going to happen, but I still wasn't ready to see it.

Ashton, with the boy's blood on his lips and shirt, and Calum, hanging limply and spiritless on the wall.
Ashton wiped the blood off with his hand and licked his lips. "More! I need more!" He muttered to himself.

Hannah was terrified, backing up until she hit the corner. She gasped a little, but it was still loud enough for Ashton to hear. He whipped to face her, and he hissed, "More!" before super speeding to her and slamming her back against the wall. It hit her just in the right spot to paralyze her whole body.

"A-Asht-ton," she squeaked to the fanged boy.

"I don't listen to prey," he hissed, leaning into her neck, She tightly closed her eyes as she braced for the poisoned bite.

I yelled her name even though I knew she couldn't hear me. I dived at Ashton, only to do nothing as I went through his body like water through a filter. I turned and landed on my side, sitting up quickly to watch in horror.

Her thoughts echoed in my head, Ashton, please stop!

Ashton hissed loudly at her in response, "SHUT UP! I DON'T LISTEN TO MY FUCKING PREY!" She started crying silently, the drops running down her face and neck. His fangs trailed up her shoulder and her neck slowly, causing thin, bloody fissures in her fragile skin along the way.

He stopped as he barely pushed into her neck. He inhaled and abruptly took his fangs from the soft, tender skin. He froze for a moment before growling, "MATE! ...Mate? What the fuck? Holy shit! Hannah! Are you okay?!" He took his hands from her shoulders and cupped her soft cheeks in his hands.

Her body went completely numb and limp, knees buckling underneath her. She fell into Ashton, who caught her quickly as her face hit his chest. "Hannah! HANNAH!" He yelled, holding her closer to his chest as he picked her up slowly and carefully so she could lie her face in his shoulder.

"Ashton," she quietly breathed out, the words hardly leaving her soft, red lips.

"W-What, sweetheart?" He asked, no louder than a whisper.

"I" She started before she lost her words, too weak to speak now.

"Hold in there!" Ashton's plea came out as a high squeak like a scared little boy. "I'm gonna heal you, just hang on!"

They were both stiff before Hannah sighed, putting her arms around Ashton's shoulders for support. I felt my blood boil in jealousy, but I told myself to chill.

"What did you mean to ask me?" He asked softly, rubbing her back.

I felt her breathing hitch in her throat, the lump almost choking. How do I ask him without offending him? I heard her think.

"Sweetheart, you won't offend me. It's only a question, and if you don't know the answer, why should I be offended? You don't know the reasoning," he calmly replied. I've always wondered how he stayed so calm in these situations like this.

"Well, I was - uh -" she stuttered slowly.

"Sweetheart, quit worrying. I want to answer your question," he whispered, using his power to clean the dried blood from her neck and shoulder.

"Umm, h-how am I - uh - your mate?" Mate?! MATE?! What the fuck is she talking about?! "I-I thought I was Michael's," Uh HELL YEAH you are!! "but y-you're saying I'm yours," she slowly said. Ashton nodded the whole time to keep her from stopping.

She's my mate, Ashton, don't try anything slick!

"Well, you see, in some cases, people will think a werewolf or vampire is their mate, but they're not exactly correct," he gently started out slowly and carefully, choosing his words wisely. Hannah's mouth dropped open ajar, and she teared up again. Ashton, I'm going to kill you! "But, in some rare cases, a girl can have more than one mate: up to four. However, the only way to see if Michael is also your mate, you have" Ashton, no she doesn't! I thought, panicking. She can't!

"What do I have to do?" She asked.

"You know how I bit you, and that normally will either turn the 'victim' into another vampire or kill them?" Hannah nodded. "Almost th-the same goes...goes for werewolves too."

You fucking bit her, Fletcher?! You are so dead now! I thought angrily. How is this happening?! She can't be his!


"It's a huge risk! You didn't turn into a vampire when I bit you, and you're still alive, so that confirmed that you were my mate," he explained. "If you get Michael to test if your his mate you'll either-" he sighed, obviously not wanting to finish. "You either live or you die."

She does not need to die!! I refuse to let her! She IS my mate! She is not going to die! Watch her live after that! SHE IS NOT GOING TO DIE!!

...she just can't...

This was too much to take in. I ran out of the room, needing to clear my head.

She can't be his! How has he hidden for so long?!

Whatever the reason, I have to get back to Insom to help him!
Ok an awful chapter but I needed to do something today!
I went to sonic last night and I got the french fries...guess what! They fucking came back up this morning and I had to miss the first two exams! Kill me!
So I made a new chapter after I woke up and finished my puking bouts haha :) I'm probs not updating for a busy week so yeah
Ilya and tyfr!

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