Chapter 2

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I pulled up to this trap house to see the normal; Groupies, Junkies, Dealers, and Stealers. I mean that's probably all you'll see here.

I got out of the car and locked it.. I see someone from the corner of my eye, and it turns out to be exactly I'm looking for. Rob is his name. But they call him R-Money. He has a hit out on his name, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the hitta.

Time to kill.

"Wassup R-Money" I said as I seductively approached him.

He looked me up and down. "You that girl from facebook?"


"Aw okay let's get to business then." We walked in the house through everyone who was dancing to invisible music. We reached this room way in the back and walked in.

"I've been waiting the longest for this." He said before pulling down his pants.

"I'll be right back." I told him. 

I walked to the bathroom, and put a blade in my bra, and the silencer on my gun. I came back into the room and he was laying down on his phone, flexin on instagram probably.

"So you gone do this muthafucka or what ?" I told him, getting his attention.

"Yeah, oh hell yeah" He said while making his way to me.

He picked me up and laid me on the bed, then she spread my legs and started eating. I felt a rush of pleasure go through my body. I felt his tongue on my clitoris and in my vagina. After he was done he wanted me to suck his dick. I laid him on his back and got into 69 positionp and after a minute or so of his tongue on my clitoris I took out my blade slowly while I was rubbing his dick and pressed the blade hard into the core of his dick, and traced a circle with the blade; deeper and deeper until I saw blood seeping out and felt Rob push me onto the floor.

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM ? ARE YOU CRAZY ?!?" He yelled before attempting to slap me.

I dodged his hand and said , "Remember Tyrells niece that you shot in revenge for him beating you in a fight?"

"Yeah I do. He deserved that shit."

"But his niece didn't".

"I don't care. I dont deserve this."

"Well I don't care. I've spoken too much." I pulled out my gun and shot him 4 times, in the chest, forehead, shoulder, and neck. To make sure he isn't alive.

After he dropped onto the ground I grabbed my blade and gun and got dressed. Someone was coming down the hallway so I cleaned up my mess and silently crawled out the window.

When I reached the car I heard screams come from the house. I picked up my phone and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes, there's been a murder at 1683 West Oak street." I stated calmly.

"Okay we'll send the authorities right away."

I hung up the phone and drove off.

And that there ladies and gentlemen is how it's done.

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