Chapter 9

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Time is Money, Money is time.

I'm sitting in this trap house party waiting on my big plan to start. I see my target, and he looks mighty happy. He walks past me eyeing my entire body which made me feel a bit uncomfortable but then I did realize this was a mission. I walked behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder so he could notice me and etc.

"Hey, um. Im Tiffany." I flashed a smile.

"Hey, wassup ma." He took off his shades and he suprised me by how gorgeous he was. His teeth was perfectly straight and they resembled fangs. His smile complimented his mustache which complimented his face.

"I,um, I" Shit Rica get it together you got a job to fucking do. "I just wanted to meet the host of this party. I haven't seen you around before. You just move here or something?"

"I'm visiting my cousin and some friends for the summer." He smiled again, and told one of his boys something and they gave him dap and walked off. "You seem like a classy lady yourself, what you doing here at a house party in the hood?" He questioned me with a hint of humor in his voice.

"oh, I'm just here with a couple of friends. I always come to parties out here though. It's better than a club full of drunk white folk." We laughed. Then I thought of something to keep the time going, "I never got your name."

"Call me Chres." He flashed his pearly white fang like teeth again. I felt chills go through my spine as he was standing in front of me smiling.

"Well you wanna dance Chres?" He nodded and I led the way to all the people in the middle of the room dancing to Dance by SpeakerKnockers. I instantly started twerking while he just stood there, when I realized that he was just standing there watching I stopped and turned around, "You know this is the part where you grab my hips and pull me close so I can twerk on you."

"Yeah I knew that." He laughed and grabbed my hips, and I danced on him.

After about an hour of dancing I got tired and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I noticed some more boys inside the kitchen that look really familiar except for one. I couldn't put my finger on it but it felt like I knew them before and by the expression on their face O could tell they thought the same. I grabbed a pop from the cooler and walked over to start talking to some people from my neighborhood.


This was my second appointment with Dr.Withers. I don't know why but I felt nauseous, and nervous at the fact that I'm carrying a baby and I don't know how it was even conceived. I walked in check-in then sat down and waited for my name to be called. To past time I got on my phone and played Flappy Bird and in the middle of my game I got a text from Rob, ending my damn streak.

Wya ?

I sighed and replied. "At the doctor's office"

Why? You sick or sum?

Something like that. But I need to talk to you later.

Aight. Have fun 😂. Lol.

As soon as our quick convo, Dr. Withers came out and called my name. My heart sank with nervousness. I walked into the office and sat down on the uncomfortable disposable paper.

"So Shoniece how are things going, have you been feeling any symptoms like nausea, fatigue, moodswings, weird cravings ?" He questioned me and I had to think for a moment, which left us in silence.

"I've been having weird cravings and alot of nausea lately."

"That's normal. Imma need you to lay down and lift up your shirt so we can view the baby. " He directed before he put that gel stuff on my stomach and rubbed it in with the other part to the machine. We stared at the screen and he started explaining all the different parts of the baby and what's where. After a while I tuned out , an started thinking about life.

What am I gonna do about this baby? Am I gonna keep it or abort it or give it up? How am I gonna pay for the baby living? Im barely out of college and this job only supports me and my living habits.

My thoughts were cut short when Dr.Withers asked me a question that kind of threw me off.

"Shoniece are you being abused?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"No, why'd you say that?" I fake laughed.

"I noticed a bruise or two on your stomach and thighs. " He said with the same look on his face.

"Im fine. I just recently bumped into the edge of the table that's all." I lied.

"Alright." He still have me the same look.

He wiped off the gel and prescribe a couple of vitamins and gave me a couple of pan-flits.

I really don't know what to do. I made my way home and pulled up into the parking space in front of the apartment. I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was about to happen.

I walked inside the house and set down my keys and purse on the counter. I saw Rob sitting on the couch eating a sandwich and watching replays of the game.

"Um, Rob I need to talk to you."

"Wassup babygirl." He said, and I instantly knew he was sober. Not a hint of liquor in his system. I sat down next to him.

"I'm pregnant."

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