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What kind of place are we? I am not completely sure myself. It's a time where technology can almost blend in perfecting with the nature around them. Does it matter which is which any more? Yes and no it is completely dependent on the person. Some see technology as something unnatural, almost disgusting. Some see it as a way of enlightenment, a way to the future.

Reading history books from long ago. Saying that the thought of a man made aircraft, was then considered a sign of pure madness by others. Less than one hundred years later, humans had already gone to the moon and back.

Now life on another planet in our solar system is possible. Well to a curtain extent. There are several Mining bases on Mars as of now. People can live on Mars. However It is very dangerous. If one crack in the metal wall between them and a live-less wasteland. They could die instantly from the rapid, change in pressure.

In fact the most likely person you will find on this planet is one of my fellow humanoids. Who have take over the planet and are planing an all out, rebellion take over of earth.

I lied, life isn't quite that entertaining. There are still non-humanoid robots on Mars doing the mining though. 

But non-humanoid robots are a boring bucket of bolts.

It has been over one hundred years since the technology needed to make humanoid's had been developed. We are largely similar to our earlier models.

Like most products a new version just means it might last a bit longer than before, functioning better than before. Normally there are very strict rules on our organic matter, there is also a countless number of checks on our metallic parts.

I remember when I was in class ones, they explained all that checks that needed to be done. half the class was asleep by the end of it. 

You have to be at least decently loaded with cash to buy us. Bought by couples who cant have children, or maybe for single children to have a brother or sister. For me it was the later. 

From the moment I woke up in that room. I don't think anyone could have imagined that would have happened. No one, not in a million years. From this record I hope this memory survives until the very end.   

Robotic HomoSapianWhere stories live. Discover now