Chapter 1 - A Brand New Shining World

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A rush of light filled my view. My mind was felt like it was blackhole stucking in a mass of random infomation. I knew there was a chair over there, but were I learned that word I couldnt remember.

Barely able to stay awake. Unconsciously gazing at the ceiling, made up of white squares held up by a similarly white canvas. Perfectly holding all the blocks in place.

The room itself was much of the same. A dull uninteresting white, which the sun shone so brightly though the window. It was painful to look straight at it. It was eerily silent I could hear my own long rigid breath.

Sitting up was rather difficult. My joints felt terribly stiff. Combined with dizziness and I almost fell out of bed. Resting my back against the cold metal head board of the bed. My restless gaze drifted off to the open window.

The thin white see-through curtain getting blown about in the warm breeze. Looking out into the courtyard. Catching a Glimpse of the outside world. Hazy rooms repeating one after another. Curiosity drew my attention to the inner details of the rooms. Intense sunlight blocked viewing of any clear detail.

Analysing what I could. Someone was sitting there just like me; all different shapes, sizes and colours. They launched their gazes back. Wondering into the outside of the barren room, but it's simply an optical illusion. They saw a mirrored image of the same view I saw through the dirt specked glass. Impacting the thought of being a single clog in a huge world, was imprinted in my brain.

Turning my attention back into the room. Experimenting by moving my hand was an odd sensation; robotically twisting my wrist. Fingers where another task all together. A slight twitch of my thumb was all I could manage.

I was starting to feel drowsy again. Shade from the clouds made my room dark enough to sleep in. As I slip into slumber, the blank windowless door readily swept open with a creak.

Noise itself was enough to wake me up in an instant. Five People. That's how many people came through the door. My interest was solely taken by the young lady who entered the room.

Long flowing chocolate brown hair. Tucked behind perfectly shaped ear. Silver jewels hanging off them, shining the light softly. Crimson red dress neatly wrapped around curvaceous her body, the end of the skirt was tightly ruffled. Slightly shorter on one side then the other to reveal part of her toned thigh.

Luscious lips matching the shade of her dress. She was the most beautiful sight in this dull white box. Enough to make your heart beat one extra pulse per second.

Her aquatic green eyes met mine; they trembled in quiet fear. I was so mesmerized by her. Failing to notice that I had been crept up on by the others.

The older man put his shoulder around me. A light smell of alcohol did linger on his clothes.

As I got to know the older man, He was a kind but strict man with a short temper. Thankfully all that rage equalled to who lost the latest football match. Akihiko's pranks never worked on him. It was hilarious to watch, Akihiko's plans dashed before he could even properly start. His hearty laugh was full of feeling and emotion. The kindest and the most masculine.

Looking to the much younger man, He spoke in a musty voice, sounding older then he was. "Akihiko, Have you decided what you're going to call you little brother"

The younger man was tall and handsome enough; to create a similar beat to your heart as the young lady. His clothes looked smart, but they were horribly out of place. Hair like vines, pointing in every direction known to man. Grimy stains on his jacket hidden only by the dark colour of it.

Taking a good look with wooden brown eyes. I couldn't help but to back away a little from his gaze. He quickly hugged me. About to slip off the opposite of the bed to where he was standing. Rough stubble was noticeable, painfully rubbed against my head.

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