Fighting temptations

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Shaun had been riding peacefully for about 30 seconds when he heard someone shouting at him "Oi! come back here with my bike shaun turned his head and shure enough there was a red faced teenager screaming at him. Shaun started peadelling faster, and to his horror he heard the screech of a siren he guessed that the janitor had called the police. He was peadelling feriously now not daring to look back the defieing screech of the siren was closer now  he knew he didnt have much time before the fed surrounded him. He turned the bike up a gear and rode on full speed. The police were right behind him now he knew he didnt have much time he had to think of a plane, too late the bike hit a pot hole and shaun went up in the air it was only for 10 seconds but to Shaun it felt like a lifetime. Where there should have been rock hard concrete to breack all the bones in his body there instead was wet mud and grass. Shaun felt really reilived that he wasnt dead he took in his surroundings he was in the park that was right next to the place he had been riding the bike in. There was a big hill covering the road and the park so at least that should give him some cover.  But he couldnt take any chances Shaun lifted himself off the grass and sprinted out of the park he kept to the lanes hoping hed be out of sight. Shaun would throw himself at a wall or sprint round a corner when he heard the familliar buzzing of an engine, often he would cut hiself from all the smashed wine bottles lying around. Shaun finally apperred bruised and tired but triumphant on the other side of manchester. He knew that the police wouldn't look for him here but still he had no doubt the the police were going to post his picture in the local newspaper possibly even the national one he would be on newsnight and other various shows he could see the headline now the missing school boy from east manchester.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2011 ⏰

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