Before I Wilt Away - The Here And Now

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  • Dedicated to Those flower petals that fell

Before I Wilt Away


"Here," he said, handing me a beautiful scarlet rose. "I found this behind our house. I want you to have it."

I gently smiled and took the rose. "Thank you, David. It's amazing."

That was the day. That was the day I fell in love. We were sixteen at the time. Silly, I know; falling in love so young.

David was my neighbor. We spent the entire summer together. We'd hitchhike to the beach and play in the cool blue waters only to come home and play in the trees behind our houses.

I'd just moved here, at the beginning of summer. Father was just stationed in the next town. We were always moving. I didn't really mind, until we moved here. I wanted to stay here forever. It was beautiful, with lush green trees and wind that smelled like it blew in from a thunderstorm. It would rain softly, making pitter-patter sounds on my window. I wanted to live here and die here. It was heaven.

"Hurry up, Emily! We're going to miss it!"

"I'm coming as fast as I can!" I shouted back to David. I was jumping from rock to rock, trying to keep my balance.

"Come on!" He shouted back to me.

I huffed as I finally came to a stop next to David on Seagull's Watchpoint, a cliff overlooking the ocean.


The firework's sound rung in my ear as I held David's hand. The white sparks shone on the water and made it look like you were staring at a million stars.


More went off and made the night sky turn to day.

I smiled at the beauty of it all, the fireworks on the waves, the light in the sky. I took in a deep breath, as if to breathe it all in and never let it come out. I wanted this moment to be in my mind forever.

"Isn't it beautiful?" David whispered to me.

"Very." I replied.

He turned and smiled at me, making me feel like I was about to burst with joy.

I returned his smile and went back to stare at the display.

He started climbing down the rocks. "Come on! I'll race you to the beach!"

I laughed and jumped down beside him, scrambling to beat him to the sand.

I got there first and took off running. "Can't catch me!"

"Oh, wanna bet?" He ran up to catch me.

I ran faster, making my wavy golden hair toss behind me and my plain white dress flutter against my legs. I looked back and saw David gaining in on me. He had such humor in his green eyes. His hat flew off, exposing his dark, curly hair.

A few moments later he caught me and hugged me from behind and pulled me up high into the air.

I squealed and kicked my legs back and forth. "Put me down, David!"

"Not until you say please!" He laughed.

"Please!" I said.

"As you wish, m'lady." He set me down and looked at me. He smiled and then bowed. "I mean no disrespect, m'lady, but what is my reward for catching such a damsel?"

I crossed my arms and held my chin high. "Absolutely nothing!" I replied.

"But m'lady! I tried so very hard!"

I sighed. "Fine. You may be permitted one kiss."

I came over to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He smiled and bowed again. "Thank you, m'lady." He said softly.

I chuckled and crossed my arms again. "Now take me home, my knight!"

"No problem, my Queen!" He picked me up and threw my over his shoulder and started running.

"Hey!" I started banging my fists on his back. "Put me down!" My boots swung furiously as I tried to kick him to put me down.

"But you said to take you home!"

I banged some more on his back, which was covered with a long white shirt, and laughed. "Not like this!" I screamed.

"Well have it your way!" He spun me around and around until I got dizzy and then set me down on the sand.

The stars spun when I looked up and I fell back onto my back. David came over and laid down next to me. We both stared up at the stars.



He looked over at me. "Let's always be together, okay?"

I returned his soft gaze. "Forever." I whispered.

"Honey, Emily." Mother said as she shook me awake. "Emily."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "Yes, Mother?"

"Honey..." She started softly. "We're leaving."

My eyes flew open. "What?"

"Daddy's been stationed somewhere else. We have to leave."

Tears filled my eyes. "No. We can't leave. I love it here! Please, let me stay!"

"Honey, you know we can't do that." She had understanding sadness in her eyes. "Come on, get up. We leave in an hour." She left.

I buried my face in my pillow and cried.

After a while I finally got up and went to pack up my things. I silently sobbed the entire time.

When finished, I wiped away my tears and put on a brave face. I turned and looked out my window one last time. The rose was still sitting there, basking in the morning sun, starting to wilt. I held it up in front of me. I went to my packing trunk and pulled out my favorite book that David had given me; Jane Eyre. I plucked a few wilting rose petals and placed them inside the book. After putting my book back in the trunk I laid the rose back on the window sill and said goodbye to my room.

I was helping Mother arrange all of our bags and trunks in the back of the truck when I heard David call to me.

"Emily! Emily, wait!"

I slowly turned and looked at him sadly, trying to hold back more tears.

He came up to me and held my hand tightly. "Promise you'll come back. Promise." He said urgently.

I felt a tear fall. "I promise." I choked.

"Come on, Emily. It's time to go." Father said.

"Goodbye, Emily." David said softly.

"Goodbye, David." I said and turned before I started crying, which I knew I could not stop if it started.

And we drove away.

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