Before I Wilt Away - 2 Years Later

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  • Dedicated to Everything That Inspires...

Before I Wilt Away


2 Years Later...

I still cried myself to sleep every night.

I missed David so much it hurt.

It was like someone took my heart from my chest and started beating at it with a hammer over and over again.

It hurt to think about it.

It hurt to think about him.

I have to keep my promise, I told myself every day. Every morning. Every night. I have to keep my promise.

But what if I forget?

Father had to go off to war.

He left, giving both Mother and I a kiss on the forehead and a promise to be back.

But what if he didn't come back?

I hugged my knees closer to my chest.

Why were all my loved ones leaving, or me leaving them?

Tears stung my eyes and threatened to fall. I allowed them, for it was only me in my new room, in my new house. Mother was out buying groceries.

I sobbed for nearly an hour before finally falling asleep in my bed, only to be awakened to Mother's call for dinner downstairs. I quickly wiped dried tears away and tried to make myself look presentable for dinner.

When I got downstairs, Mother was placing fresh bread rolls on the table. Warm, chicken soup was awaiting me at the opposite end of the table. Chicken soup was my absolute favorite meal with it flavorful broth and slippery noodles. I especially loved the chopped carrots that Mother puts in there. They're so soft to chew yet still holding their natural flavor. The chicken was hot and cooked to perfection.

But not even chicken soup could tempt me.

I've barely eaten in the last few months. I was 'exceedingly skinny and needed to have meat on my bones', as Mother said. But I was so sad I could barely eat.

I barely laughed.

I barely smiled.

All I could think of was the cool breezes and the ocean that I left behind.

Whom I left behind.

I spun my spoon aimlessly around my bowl, staring off into the distance, remembering my times with David.

"I bet you can't reach the top!" David taunted.

He was referring to the tall pine tree behind my house.

"Betcha I can!" I replied.

He snorted. "Please. Girls can't climb trees!"

I gasped, offended. "Take that back, David! You know good and well I can."

He crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air. "Well, I just refuse to believe it. I'd like to see it myself."

I hmm-phed and went over to the tall pine. I looked up to the very top, judging the distance I'd have to climb. It was so tall...

I grasped the lower branches and pulled myself up. I continued climbing without a thought until I reached the top, whereupon I looked down and bragged to David, "Who says girls can't climb trees?"

"Well, how 'bout coming down?"

Oh, no. I hadn't though of that. How was I going to get down? Well, it must be as easy as coming up. I'll just... improvise.

I put my foot on my previous foothold, but... where was the other foot supposed to go? I tried a lower branch and luckily succeeded. I tried again in the next foothold, more confident in myself by succeeding last time.

"I can get down too, Da-- Ohh! AHH!" I lost my footing and tumbled down a few feet, hitting my arms, legs, and head ont the branches that were accompanied from those few feet. I was spun around and landed on a branch on my stomach with a loud, "Ooof!"

"Emily? Emily! Are you okay?" David called up to me, his voice full of concern.

"Yes..." I said, my voice full of pain. "I'm alright."

I came the rest of the way down the tree slowly and carefully, planning each step precisely.

I finally jumped down and hugged the ground. "Oh, thank you. I will never leave the ground again." I promised myself.

David started laughing.

I got up and started combing my hair with my fingers to try and pry loose the leaves and branch fragments lost within the depths of my golden hair.

David came over and touched just above my eyebrow, a concerned look on his face.

I stopped mid-comb, my breath caught in my throat.

"You're bleeding." He said. He took out his hankerchief and dabbed it at my wound.

"T-thanks." I said, my face heating up.

He smiled sweetly. "No problem, Emily."

"Emily. Emily, dear. Please eat something, Emily."

I came out of my trance and looked down at my untouched food. "Yes, Mother. " I said softly.

"Emily, honey. When do you take off for college?"

"A few weeks." I replied.

"A few weeks? Why, we still have to go out and get you supplies. And new clothes. Oh, and we had that tea date with Mrs. Holloway." She started rambling on about things I didn't care about.

I had to go to college in a few weeks. I had to leave another place.


Study, study, study, would be the course of the day.

No time for thought.

No time for daydreaming.

No time for memories.

No time for him.

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