Chapter 1.

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Hey guys im working on two fics now since its kinda getting boring well now heres another fan fic and yes its kellic enjoy!

"Fucking piece of shit" my father said in the afternoon light shining through the glass window as he got up from the couch went into the kitchen and got a knife, he came and grabbed my hair, and dragged me to my room.

He closed the door and slammed me to the floor. He kicked me in the stomach

"Get the fuck up faggot" he said

I felt tears running down my face. He kicked me again but in ribs this time. I slumped down on the floor until he pulled back up by my neck slamming me against the wall chocking me.

"So you're gay?" He snickered and he cut my arm. It wouldnt be the first time he used knifes on me he dint cut deep though he dint want me to bleed out while he beat me.

I couldn't move i started seeing black dots as my vision blurred. I tried to speak but i couldn't get a word out. He let me go as i fell on the floor again, he crouched in front of me as he punched me in the face, Arm still bleeding.

"You're more worthless than i thought" he grabbed my arms with his hand as he slapped me with the other. I felt my cheeks sting as my teas dried up, my eyes forming new ones.

"Let me-g-go" i yelled the best i could, he looked surprise "its not like-" and with that he punched me, leaving me unconscious in pure darkness.


I woke up to find myself on the floor, dried up blood on my arm and clothes. I was hurting badly, i winced as i got up the best i could and looked in the mirror. The side of my face was blue already beginning to darken to purple. I touched it carefully but i winced back in pain. I made my way to the bathroom, as i took off my clothes to shower my every movement hurt me. I looked out my window and it was allready dark and raining, wow ive been unconscious for quite a bit. I looked at my phone 8:37pm

I looked in the mirror shirtless, big bruises from last time and today covered my chest and back, the cuts my so called father made me from a week ago still healing. I took off the rest of my clothing as the cuts on my thighs i made to myself a while back still were scarring, some still healing. I got in the shower as the warm water hit my bruised and cut body like a million paper cuts at first then my body relaxed after a couple of seconds. Seeing the dried up blood going down the drain made me feel so sad.

I cried to myself in the shower thinking why i have to go through this? My real parents loved me i remember that. These people i live with can be my adoptive parents but they will never be family to me. My parents died trapped in a burning building when i was six. How they loved me and cared for me, i was so happy back then, what happened now?

I told my "parents" i was gay today and my father hit me, my mother doesnt give a shit, i really hate calling them father and mother when they dont even act like it towards me. I miss my real parents they would accept me for me.

As i was looking at my body's scars my brother knocked on the door.

"Get out of there you fuck its my turn!" He yelled pounding on the door now.

I sighed as i turned off the water and got out, i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist as i grabbed my clothes, i opened the door only to be pushed out the way by my "brother"

"Move faggot" he said and shut the door behind him.

His name is Shane, hes not my biological brother, he hits me just like my parents do, no one in this house really cares about me.
I cant tell anyone because im still 17 well i just recently turned 17 so i still have one more year to go to live with these people and if i tell someone ill be living in the streets or on foster care and i dont want that. The only thing that keeps me sane in this house is music, i love music i listen to it every minute of the day starting when i wake up. I really want to become a artist one day start a band and save people with lives harder than mine or people who just need someone to understand them and help them. I want to be a person who can make a difference in ones life. So i write my own music but until im 18 ill start finding my way to my dream career.

I was changing until i got a text from my phone. I was confused because i have no friends at school only Matty, Jaime, and Tony thats it. And today Jaime and Tony were hanging out and  Matty cant text during  his night shift at work. I checked my phone and it was a unknown number.

Kill yourself stupid, we could need extra air you just take up space in this world, you're worthless  piece of shit just take a gun to your head, cut you're wrist thats all you're good at doing! :)

Wow that hurt so bad but im used to it, the words usually have an impact on me but i decided im going to get better im going to beat this fight. As i finished and put my shirt on i ran my hand through my wet hair and i made sure my parents left for work before i could go downstairs to get some food, i looked out the window and the car was gone so i made my way down stairs silently so my brother wouldn't know i went downstairs. I looked in the fridge but there was no food, i sighed i guess theres no dinner for me tonight. I went back upstairs and locked the door shut as i flopped on my bed in pure darkness, the only light that was in my room was from the moon that shone through my bedroom window.

"FUCK" i screamed as i remembered i had bruises and cuts on my body, i need to be more careful. I laid on my bed without moving for a minute before i got my phone and put on some Memphis MayFire. I plugged in my headphones and listened to a couple of songs before i drifted off to sleep thinking tomorrow is going to be a bad day.

But maybe something good might just happen.


Short chapter of my new fic dont worry still on the other well hope u liked it!!

Stay happy not crappy

- Jhonnie Guilbert

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