Chapter 1

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Thayvia was a mountainous, rocky country, with rolling hills and valleys, and as many hidden villages as berries in a field. It was a country founded long ago, in the throes of the Dying Wars, when the Chosen were fighting behind the Védelmi, two men with strength and ability beyond any man before. Some thought magic is what gave them the power, not only to defeat the Warriors, but to form the land of Thayvia and it's government. They spoke of the Protection of Above, Who gave them the Mark. They were the founders of the Limbs of Justice, to raise the young chosen warriors, who would eventually keep peace over the kingdom as weapons and protectors.

When the last of the previous two Chosen had died, two new children would be selected; they were identified by bearing the Mark. They would be sent back to their homes with a member from the Limbs of Justice to guide them through their childhood, until they were fifteen years of age. They then would be educated in the palace to become the leaders, healers and judges of the kingdom of Thayvia.

But something went terribly wrong.

The two men died, and the next two Chosen were found. But as they grew, the evil which had tried to destroy the Guardians before rose in the mountains, determined to once and for all conquer the land. This evil was known as the Üres - They in the Void. None knew knew from whence they came, nor who they were. All the people knew was was that their children were stolen, their fields were burned, and the Limbs of justice seemed unable to do its job. Who would help them, when all there were was two children not even old enough to be trained at the Palace?

Then, suddenly, and without warning, the Üres disappeared. No trace was left, no hidden encampments, nothing. It was as if they were taken into the sky.

The Limbs of Justice claimed responsibility for the Üres absence, and life went on. They who lost children bit their tongues, and no one spoke of Those in the Void again. Generations of guardians passed, but still no sign of them. They were only a nightmare, told 'neath the twilit sky, to keep children from wandering;

Darkness will fall

over the valley dim

Through the trees tall,

And the river slim

The arrows of all,

Who the Üres find,

Their souls will call

on their bitter kind.

The mountains round,

They cannot hide.

No pity is found,

On babe or bride.

Whatere' makes a sound,

This they find.

For like the hound,

they know our kind.

In the deep sea

Far, far away,

Past our verdant leas

At the edge of day,

The Üres there be.

And you would their port find,

If you dare them to see,

Or any of their kind.

A thousand children young,

Gone in an eve.

A hundred children hung,

With no one left to grieve.

A dozen children, fresh lunged,

Will the Üres freeze.

Nor can any dirge be sung,

If you alone go beneath the trees.


Authors note

Okay, hey all!

I just thought I'd tell you that this book is Co-Written! So it's on this joint account for both of us;



So yeah, that's about it.. Only I'm sorry this is so short! We just had to put something in to explain the terms and history of Thayvia, next chapter will be much longer!

By the way, I just wanted to admire Avis for her poem, isn't it amazing? haha

And I also wanted to say an absolutely massive thank you to the readers, voters, followers and commenter's!

Everything you do helps support us and we are so honoured for you to be reading our work!

God Bless

Brooklyn and Avis xo

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