Chapter 2

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It was strikingly cold - the very dew became frost at a glance. Okele was aware of the stark morning air about her, the fresh spring bite in the breeze. She sat at the table, eating breakfast. She heard the boy across from her comment on how nice the day was.

"I prefer fall." She scoffed, tossing her hair. She could tell he was watching her.

To Ember, it looked like fire in the coals. But she would never see it that way.

She could not see, period. He was the first male Védelmi since the originals, and she was the first blind Védelmi in their history. For as long as he had known Okele, he had thought she was just someone to protect. Maybe they had something in common after all.

The Limbs of Justice expected great things of Ember, and a decent supporting role from Okele. Ember wished he was stronger, but the only wish Okele had was to see; she could not care less for the ambitions of the council.

Okele started, glancing to where the window was.

She sensed something.

She could almost see three figures at the window.


Ember looked up to an empty chair.


She ran, flying along a well known path. It was familiar, but the stones were constantly shifting; she had never tried to run it without Ember. Okele shook tears from her eyes

He never saw the evils she felt so clearly. He never understood.

The darkness around her was full of sound - feet pounding against wood and stone, hands brushing against trees. She could feel the tears begin to run down her cheeks. Her emotions refused to be quelled, and thoughts raced through her mind fleeter than her feet could move.

She would never see. She would always be running away from the fears she dared not face. She would always be afraid. Always be second to the 'Fire of the Védelmi'.

Suddenly, she could faintly hear Ember's steady breathing. It was like a breeze filled her sails. Knowing that he was nearby gave her hope. Yet, just as she gained a little confidence, she stumbled and fell.

They surrounded her. She could feel their wrenching blows. She writhed and thrashed, trying to grasp anything she could.

"Ember! Help!" She cried, still thrashing. The stones sank into her skin, leaving it wet with blood. She did not care, all she wanted was Ember. Yet, as the darkness all around around her was filled with sounds, she felt herself losing grip on consciousness. Struggling, again and again, she reached out once more... but all she found was air.


"Why does this happen?" The teenage boy cried into the bleak heavens, pursuing the coal and fire-haired figure as she fled into the trees. His question was left on the side of the road, for there was no time to dwell on the will of the Almighty when the Darkness, seeping even into Ember's pale head, was so imminent. The shadow, the presence Okele felt, this is the combatant that taunted Ember with defeat.

"Not today." he muttered.

The good thing was she was on a familiar road. Too often she had run into strangers' fields, gardens, and even homes. She was heading toward their old hide out, Graienor Deep. It meant Safe haven of the Lake. But this posed another danger of her falling into the water.

Ember watched the girl flick in and out of view. She could not hear him; she was faster than him, and if she thought his footsteps were of the enemy...

Legend Of VédelmiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora