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A poem I made recently about observations I've made dealing with being a girl the past fourteen years of my life. Enjoy!

Girls, Girls, Girls

always in competition

consistently missing out on opportunities

for sisterhood

but if we knew what was good we'd step aside

from the sexist

ideologies that this world shoves on every girl including me

Being a girl in her teens is scarier

than an episode

of Scream Queens

Girls, girls

told to lock up our dreams

and wait patiently for marriage

in our early twenties

but I refuse to wait silently

hoping for someone to “save” me

“Sitting pretty” will not be my career


or profession

Yet there are some girls who truly

question what they'll do if they aren't wedded before completing their undergrad-uate

Girls, girls

giving congratulation

but patiently waiting for

when the others throne will be taken

Don’t get me mistaken

as the one who says

“Girls are too much drama”

but like commas they make me pause

and think….

about where this world would be

if we destroyed all of the patriarchal

policies engraved in girls in their

young teens

We’ve been deprived

our unity too long

a story sadder than Brian’s song

unable to get along

oh how many wrongs we’ve committed

against each other

Girls, Girls

When one is opinionated

and works well at communicating it

she’s often known as unaccepting

and stubborn.

But a man with the same traits

is something

women search for

Maybe I could tone it down a bit more

My mother says in order for people to appreciate

my poetry it must be said in a way that isn’t


But passion is the only way

to create poetry

Why is my being upset

with society

for teenage girls


Girls, Girls

I’ve even generalized them

myself by writing this poem,

however it must be noted the girl-gated

community needs a reform

it is currently

the norm for a girl to hate another

because she is better than her

in some way shape or form

Girls, Girls

Tagging things as “goals”

instead of achieving our own

Glued to our phones

Spending hours looking

at the life of someone we don’t know

Unable to turn our backs without being stabbed

and the cracks have began to show

in the jobs and roles we’ve began to take

The girl who loved science soon

conforms to being just another

pretty face

Now don’t get me wrong

being seen as attractive is no sin

you  can manipulate it in a way which

works for you

However girls shouldn’t be forced to

use their features as the fuel behind their success

What a stress has been put on girls to do exactly this

Girls, Girls

Told to wear clothes to dissuade the rapist

what’s strange is rape pre-dated the crop top

The way the system is setup is not to our benefit

But rather to keep up the comfortability of a man

undeserving of it

Girls, Girls

My sister can’t dress in an outfit

without being asked for which boy’s benefit

The bigger your butt and thighs the looser society

tells you to wear clothes in order to be “respected”

I’m fed up with this!

The rules we’re expected to follow are unrealistic

No calling it quits, though I wish I could

Because I’m just about ready to leave this girl-hood

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