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Chapter 1

I hummed as I walked through the trees, avoiding fallen logs and low branches. My combat boots crushed and crumbled the fallen leaves and with every step there was a loud crunch. Leaves fell from the multicolored trees and each time the wind blew through the branches there was a pleasant rustling sound.

My cousin Eric walked behind me and was constantly glancing around him and biting his lower lip. He kept on pushing up his glasses and fiddling with a leaf he had picked from a maple.

"Aria, I don't think we should go any further. My dad is going to be looking for us."

I'm currently staying over at my Uncle's lodge with my cousin for the weekend. It's located right on Mt. Ebott and was one of the few homes there. Not a lot of people lived here thanks to the legends and stories about monsters living inside the mountain.

I was curious about the place that everyone seemed so afraid of, so I convinced Eric to come hiking with me. He's a bit of a wuss and prefers to stay indoors all the time but he didn't want me going alone.

"What do you mean? We're just getting started!" I said flashing him a grin, "I wanna find out what everyone is so afraid of."

"What If we get eaten or killed? Or worse." He said whispering the last part. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Eric. They can't be that bad. We almost destroyed them in the human/monster war. I think we can handle them. You've got to live a little man! Now come on." I took his hand and lead him deeper into the woods.

We walked for a while and I was about to suggest that maybe we should go back, you know in case we get lost, but then we came across something very strange.

It was a random hole in the ground that seemed to lead into a cave inside the mountain. It was pretty wide, pitch black and seemingly bottomless.

"Wow, this thing is huge. I wonder how far down it goes..."

I grabbed a rock and tossed it into the chasm, it bounced against the walls and the sound echoed loudly through the air.

I walked closer to the edge but was tugged back by a hand on my wrist. I turned to see Eric scowling at me.

"Are you crazy?! What if you fall?" I shrugged his arm off and walked towards the edge.

"I'll be fine. See? It's perfectly-"

My words were cut off as I felt the ground collapse under my feet. My eyes widened and everything seemed to move very slowly, as if time was slowing down.

A few glimpses of my life flashed before me. My mom and dad. Eric and I playing at the beach and building sandcastles when we were little. Blowing out my 10th birthday candles. My first kiss...

Suddenly my little flashback was over and I was back in the present. I could hear Eric slowly screaming my name and reaching out for me. His fingertips brushed mine but that was a far as he could reach.

Eric had leaned a bit too far when he reached for me and ended up falling over the side as well. Our screams echoed as we fell into the darkness below.


As I slowly drifted back into conciousness I could feel someone shaking me, hard. There was something wet dripping on to my cheeks and I could hear quiet sobbing.

"Ari! Ari please wake up! Oh god..."

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Eric leaning over me, my head was in his lap and he was trying to wipe away his tears furiously. We were lying on a bed of yellow golden flowers. Some of them had been crushed under our weight.

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